Chapter 31 - Soldier Honour

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Zack had just fought his best friend Angeal, Angeal smiled and gave Zack his buster sword the sky was dark and it started raining, "protect your honor always" was the last thing he said to Zack, Zack couldn't stop thinking about those words, he had to mentor the infiltrie men, he really felt the pressure. He walked past the men and saw a familiar face, his new friend Cloud. Cloud had spiky hair like Zack but he was blonde with bright blue eyes, he was also the youngest guy there. Zack nodded at his friend as he walked past the line, he held the buster sword to the sky "if you want to be a soldier you must always protect your dreams and honour, no, that's an order" Zack said remembering Angeal. Zack headed back to Lazards office where he and Cloud waited for Sephiroth.


Sephiroth was tired he had no sleep the night before, he got a text from Lazard, he had a new assiment for him and Zack. Sephiroth walked into Lazards office seeing Zack and two other men, "were going to Neiblheim" Sephiroth said coldly, "I have no hometown so" he said looking at Cloud. "Zack also I need a word with you" Sephiroth said looking at everyone to leave, like an order the room was cleared with just Zack and Sephiroth. "I see you carry Angeal's sword" Sephiroth said bluntly to Zack, "it's, a long story..." Zack said sadly, "well, get on with the story then" Sephiroth said frowning, "Angeal, he challenged me to a duel.. and, I guess I defeated him... he gave me this sword as a symbol of his honour" Zack said with his eyes watering, "I see..." Sephiroth said facing the door, "we have to leave soon so, get yourself together" he said as he left, Zack shook his head and left the room too.

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