Chapter 32 - Neibelheim

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Sephiroth walked through the gate to the small town Neibleheim, he felt oddly familiar with the place, like he had seen it before. "what's it like to be in your home town? I wouldn't know" he asked curiously, "wait, you don't have a home town? What about your parents? " Zack asked, Sephiroth shock his head, "my mothers name is Jenova, she died shortly after I was born and my father.." Sephiroth broke into a strange laughter, and shock his head again, "why am I talking about this?" he said with a sigh. Zack tilted his head as Sephiroth walked to the Inn, Zack followed, he walked up the stairs to see Sephiroth gazing out the window, he looked like he was deep in thought. "Sephiroth?" Zack called out, Sephiroth looked at the Soldier frowning, Sephiroth didn't like this place, "I, I feel like I've been here before... we should get some rest, were going to the reactor tomorrow" Sephiroth said turning to the bedroom, Zack sighed and went to sleep.


"Well were finally here" Sephiroth said looking up to the reactor, he walked up the metal steps and into the building. Inside it was cold, with a slight mist around the room, there were test tubes of monsters, Zack noticed that the room at the top was labeled 'Jenova' "wait isn't that?.." Zack spoke to himself confused, "the value is broken" Sephiroth pointed out, Zack walked over to Sephiroth and saw what was in the test tube, "woah! what is that?!" Zack asked when he saw one of the monsters, "they are Mako infused, unlike you they are not human, every average Soldier is injected with the cells, they are stronger but they are still human" Sephiroth educated Zack, "wait, you said average Soldier but, what about you?" Zack asked, Sephiroth's eyes widened, he paced past Zack and covered his face with his hands, "Sephiroth!" Zack tried to comfort him but Sephiroth pushed the Soldier off him. Sephiroth paused and looked at Zack, "ever since I was a child I knew I was different from the rest, but this, this was not what I meant" Sephiroth said horrified, Sephiroth looked at his hands, "am I, a human being?" he questioned. Suddenly a blast of fire was shot at Zack and Sephiroth, Zack yelled and fell to the floor, Sephiroth on the other hand blocked it, "no such luck, your a monster" the voice of Genesis said, Sephiroth turned around and looked at his lover sitting on the stairs, then he looked up at the door labeled Jenova. "Genesis so you are alive! " Zack yelled from the floor, Genesis looked at the Soldier, "I am if you can call this living" he said as he brushed his face admiring himself, "tell me about the project" Sephiroth said coldly. "project 'S', known as the Jenova project, Jenova was a 2000 year old rock layer, your trates cannot be copied onto others, she's a monster" Genesis said to Sephiroth who was staring at the door but looked away. "What do you want of me?" Sephiroth said frowning, "Sephiroth, I need your help, my body is continuing to degrade" Sephiroth looked at Genesis noticing that his auburn hair had more silver in it. Genesis stood up holding a Banora white, he walked closer to Sephiroth, "my friend, your desire, is the bringer of life the gift of the goddess" he quoted, offering himself to Sephiroth, Sephiroth was angry and confused, he looked into Genesis's blue Mako eyes and frowned, "whether your creating lies to deceive me, or the truth I've thought all my life, it makes no difference, you will rot" Sephiroth said coldly pushing his lovers hand away knocking the apple out of Genesis's hand. "I see, perfect monster indeed" Genesis said holding his hands to his chest for comfort, Sephiroth paced out of the reactor, leaving Zack and Genesis. "Genesis, what are you doing?!" Zack shouted, "if you knew anything puppy, then you would learn to watch your mouth" Genesis replied as he walked out "your twisted!" Zack yelled after him.

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