Chapter 34 - Perfect Monster

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Genesis was laying in a single bedroom in the ShinRa manor, the room was dark, the curtains were drawn, he didn't feel right, it wasn't the fact that he was degrading or the uneasy room, but the reason was because he felt rejected by Sephiroth, Genesis did really love him.


Vincent walked behind Sephiroth pulled his arms around the mans waist, "what are you doing?" he asked turning around, "observing" Vincent answered back as he clawed at Sephiroth's hips, Sephiroth gasped at the fact that he was getting cut but at the same time enjoyed it, Vincent smirked, "just as I thought, you like to play rough" he pinned Sephiroth to the shelf knocking books everywhere, they kissed roughly, Vincent bit Sephiroth's lip hard, Sephiroth started bleeding, they both stopped for a second and Sephiroth glanced at the floor. He pushed Vincent away, he saw a book called 'project S' he frowned and picked it up, Vincent watched Sephiroth's expression change, Sephiroth looked angry, he looked at Vincent then dropped the book. Sephiroth could see everything more clearly, he saw how petty he was being wasting his time flirting with Vincent, he also found out that he was the top priority experiment. Sephiroth pushed past Vincent and walked out, Vincent could sense that Sephiroth had read something he didn't like.


Sephiroth equipped his blade as he was walking down the stairs to the exit of the manor, outside was a star lit night, but it wouldn't be peaceful for long. Sephiroth cast a blazing fire to the town, killing the villagers that stood in his way, Zack ran up to Sephiroth who was making his way to the reactor, "Sephiroth!!" Zack shouted as he caught up with him, Sephiroth turned around within the heat of the flames, his blade covered in crimson liquid "I'm coming to get you" Sephiroth said smirking and walking to the reactor, what he didn't know was that Genesis was watching from a distance, Genesis curved a smile and proceeded to follow the silver elite.


Sephiroth got to the reactor in no time, he walked into the building walking down the metal path only to be stopped by a villager, the villager was telling Sephiroth that he could go no further, Sephiroth smirked and stabbed the man in the chest, blood poured out of the man as he collapsed to the cold floor, Sephiroth left his blade on the floor and strolled past. A young woman ran through the reactor seeing her father on the floor in a pool of blood. "Father?! Did Sephiroth do this??" she said dropping to her knees as she glanced at the sword, "Sephiroth, Soldier, ShinRa, I hate them all!!" she shouted picking up the sword with two hands, the sword was too heavy for her but she didn't care, she changed after Sephiroth and tried to strike at him, Sephiroth turned around and took the sword from her, he tightened his grip on the sword and cut the girl across the stomach, she fell backwards bouncing down the stairs, she couldn't take anymore and just played dead. Sephiroth walked towards the door labeled 'Jenova'. Sephiroth broke the door open, seeing a large test tube with Jenova inside, "mother.. let's go to the promised land together..." he said taking the metal cover to be faced with a alien like woman with purple eyes. "Sephiroth!!! no, your not, your not the Sephiroth I once knew!!" Zack panted in anger, Sephiroth turned around seeing Zack with the buster sword facing him, "traitor, you will pay" Sephiroth growled, they both charged at each other, but Sephiroth had the upoer hand, he was much stronger than Zack, but Zack fought back as best as he could, until Sephiroth used his limit break, the warrior slashed at Zack repetitively, Zack could take anymore and he also fell down the red stairs. Sephiroth turned around and started talking to Jenova again, he got carried away since he didn't hear footsteps behind him, as he smiled the glass cracked in front of him, he pressed his hands against the glass and winced as he saw the buster sword was cut through him, he turned around to see Cloud, Cloud took the blade out and Sephiroth's body gave in, his hands slided down the test tube that now had blood all over it, his silver hair had his own blood in his strands, Cloud left the ex Soldier hoping he had done enough to leave Sephiroth on his knees.

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