Chapter 11 - I'm Back

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Genesis got himself ready for the chopper, he wasn't enjoying Banora without Sephiroth, Angeal wanted to stay a little longer though so Genesis was alone on the way back to Midgar.

Genesis walked through the ShinRa building glancing at the workers as he went into the lift, to the 20th floor which was the floor to Sephiroth's apartment, he sighed and rolled his eyes when it stopped on the 15th, he folded his arms and the person walked in eyeing up Genesis, "and where might you be going?" the man asked, Genesis looked over at the man, he was very handsome, he had light blonde hair with blue eyes. "and what's it to you?" Genesis asked raising a eyebrow, "I'm sorry, we are not fully introduced, I am Rufus ShinRa, and you are?" the blonde man asked with a smirk? Genesis tried to play it cool, "Soldier first class Genesis" he said shaking his hand. "oh I do believe Sephiroth is rather friendly with my brother is he not?" Genesis frowned "your brother?" he asked slightly getting frustrated, "half brother actually.. I'm sure you are familiar with Director Lazard?" he asked pressing the 20th floor button. "what about it?" Genesis growled, Rufus smirked and shook his head, "oh that's nothing of your concern, unless you have any relations with him." just as Rufus said that the elevator opened and Rufus walked out before Genesis.

Genesis was filled with rage against Lazard and his brother, he opened Sephieoth's door in a rage and slammed it, Sephiroth turned his head from the kitchen and saw Genesis annoyed and back early, "Genesis?" Sephiroth questioned, Genesis' attention snapped to Sephiroth "Lazard?" Genesis spoke loudly, "what of him?" Sephiroth asked concerned, "Rufus told me enough Seph.. but if that's what you want you are missing out" Genesis said as he walked away Sephiroth ran after him and grabbed him around the waist, "there is nothing between me and Lazard, I made that point very clear to him" Sephiroth said looking into Genesis' mako blue eyes. Genesis grabbed Sephiroth's hair and kissed him passionately, Sephiroth kissed back grabbing Genesis hips, they soon stopped kissing and glared in each others eyes. Sephiroth closed his eyes and began kissing up Genesis' neck, "I love you Genesis" he whispered to him. Genesis smirked "I love you too Seph".

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