Chapter 23 - Realisation

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Sephiroth was sent to Lazards office after being injected with Jenova cells, the injections always made him feel nervous, it was one of the many side effects. He walked into Lazards office feeling tense. "Sephiroth.. you should take a seat" Lazard said anxiously, Sephiroth didn't know what to expect so he sat opposite Lazard. "this won't be easy for you.. it's Genesis" Lazard continued "he's left, along with a third of Soldiers.. is there anything you know about this?" he asked sadly, Sephiroth could feel his heart racing, "no." was all he said as he left the room.


When Sephiroth got to his apartment he collapsed on the bed, feeling dizzy and anxious. Then he spotted Genesis's copy of Loveless, confused that it was left there he picked it up, a note fell out onto his lap, in Genesis's handwriting said "dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul, pride is lost wings stripped away, the end is nigh... you never played your part." Sephiroth felt like he was going to be sick at this point, he threw the book across the room, page's flew everywhere, scattered around the room and for the first time in his life Sephiroth felt tears of sorrow and dispare fall down his face, he didn't know what to do so he locked himself away until he was needed.

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