Chapter 25 - Wandering

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Sephiroth was lurking in the deep forest of Wuti in hopes of seeing Genesis, he heard a branch snap behind him, alerted he quickly spun around to see Genesis... but it was not the same Genesis he loved, there were two of him, "Genesis copys?" he whispered to himself, within a flash Sephiroth eliminated them both and sighed. "it's been a while partner.." a voice spoke from behind the silver haired man, a voice he knew all too well. Sephiroth slowly turned around to face the man he had longed for. "Genesis..." Sephiroth whispered faintly to the man. Genesis looked at him with a smirk, "I thought you would come look for me.. but Sephiroth, it's too late to go back, I am a monster.. didn't you consider how you couldn't give me your blood?" he said with the smirk never leaving his face. Genesis looked away from Sephiroth and saw another man calling for Angeal. "looks like we have company.."  and with that Genesis's black wing burst from his left shoulder and hovered into the air, he glanced at Sephiroth with a teasing smile and summoned Ifirit, "be the hero you always claimed to be, and protect that Soldier" were his last words before flying away. Sephiroth could see the Soldier with black spiky hair getting injured by the summon, he could feel the heat from the monster and rushed behind it slicing the summon out of the way. His hair swayed as he did so and helped the Soldier up. "woah! I get to meet a hero!" the Soldier said amazed at Sephiroth, Sephiroth said nothing and walked back to the Genesis copy's, and crouched down "Genesis..." Sephiroth sighed, "where's Angeal? What's going on here??" the Soldier asked worried and concerned, Sephiroth stood up and slowly walked away from the Soldier "it seems that Angeal has betrayed us too..." Sephiroth spoke with anger and sorrow. "Angeal? Angeal would never betray us!" the Soldier shouted. Sephiroth took no notice and headed back to the ShinRa department.


Sephiroth sighed in Lazard's office,  "I see you met Zack" Lazard broke the awkward silence, "that annoying second class, yes." Sephiroth replied, "hmm never mind. Sephiroth I have a mission for you" Lazard changed the subject. "what do you have in mind?" "Banora" Lazard quickly answered, Sephiroth went pale as he had a flashback of how happy he was with Genesis back then. "no." Sephiroth said bitterly, but he did have a plan knowing how close Zack and Angeal were, maybe Zack could convince Angeal to Convince Genesis come back, "but, that second class soldier Zack could go and investigate the area, "I will have no part of it." Sephiroth said getting up to leave, Lazard shock his head wondering why Sephiroth would refuse.

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