Chapter 2

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Maxon's POV

"I do," America says. God I'm so lucky to have her. The preacher turns to me, "I do," "You may kiss the bride. Her lips are so smooth, I could just kiss her all over right now. As we walk down the aisle I look out in the crowd. I see my mom tearing up and my father looking proud. I turn to face America but its not America, its Kriss. I start screaming for America. Everybody surrounds me and says, "You made the wrong choice Maxon."

I wake up trying to catch my breath and covered in sweat. I see Kriss next to me sleeping soundly. That was the seventeenth nightmare this month. Its been a year since America left and I've been having nightmares ever since. All of them have America in them. I sneak out of bed and try not to wake up Kriss and go my bathroom.

I look in the mirror. I look slimmer. No, I look skinny. I've lost most of my muscle definition. My hair is a mess. I think I even have a little bit of gray. I have a stubble aroung my mouth I have rarely been shaving since America left.

I miss her. I miss her beautiful singing, her vanilla smell, her dazzling smile. I need her. I need America. I need her now. How could I be so stupid. I chose Kriss over America. Stupid stupid stupid, I say to myself and slap my forehead.

I hear the floor boards creaking, its Kriss.


"What time is it?"


"Did you have another nightmare. "

I just nod my head. I can only think of America right now.

"I need to get ready," I say and go to the shower.

"Love you," she says. I just keep walking.


Meetings are boring, non stop, all I hear is, "What should we do" , "We need to do something. " and, "Castes" That makes think of America. That was supposed to be our project, together. I don't care what the advisors think I get up and leave.

I need air. I sit on our bench. Sometimes I think she's in her room or out here. I rest my elbows on my knees and put my face in my palms. Its so calm and peaceful out here. No wonder she liked it out here.

I wonder what America is doing right now. Does she have a boyfriend, even worse does she have a husband? Its all my fault. I'm slapping my head and feeling alone until someone coughs.

"Hey Marlee."

"You look miserable."

"Thanks," I say sarcastically, "have you talked to America by any chance?"

"Actually I was just talking to her on the phone."

"How is she?" I say eagerly.

"She said that she's trying to get her life back on track. She's living with Celeste and Natalie. Umm, and that she misses us all. Are you okay? You look like you're about to cry."

"I'm fine. You can leave now."

"Okay yell if you need anything."

Its all my fault. I start to sob in my knees. I need to find her. I have to.

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