Chapter 55

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Adam's POV

I don't even know what to do. I stand in the shower letting water spray on me. I love her still but how could she do this. She has a family and a husband that loves her and always will. After contemplating in the shower I decided its time to get out and talk to her.

When I get my clothes on and step out of the bathroom she's not in the room. I sigh. She told me she broke it off. I get my phone and text her to come here. Her phone is in the room. I go to all the kid's rooms but they don't know where she is. I go back to the room and see if she could've came back. I look around and don't see her. In the corner of my eye I see a colored puddle expanding little by little. As I step closer I realize its blood. No. No. No. This can't be happening. America's face is pale as ever. I shake her and try to get her to open her eyes. Nothing. I check for a pulse, its very small but its something. Blood is all over my shirt and pants. I run down the halls yelling for help. Audrey sees me carrying America and falls to the floor crying. Kenith comforts her. Mason walks by and starts running with me to the hospital wing.

"Hang in there mom. Don't leave us now," he says.

When we get there the doctors rush and get machines hooked up to her. The heart rate monitor shows almost a straight line but has bumps all over. I don't know what any of them are saying. I just hear ringing and occasionally some words. I stare at America she looks helpless. I begin to cry. The heart rate monitor flat lines. The doctors shock her.

"Clear!" Shock.

"Clear!" Shock.

"Clear!" Shock.

"Come on America! Clear!" Shock. One of the doctors shake their heads. It keeps flat lining.

"America!" Mason holds me back from doing anything stupid. "America! Stay with me!" I'm on my knees crying in my hands with blood all over me. "Come on dad we have to go."

"No! I'm not leaving her!"

"Come on we have to," he says. I try to run to her but he holds me back. I'm too weak to do anything but sob. I walk to a waiting area. Maxon burst through the door, "Where is she? How is she?" I shake my head. I know its not good she lost too much blood. I should be mad at Maxon but I cant. I'm too worried about America. A maid brings me a wash cloth to wipe the blood of of me. The blood in my clothes isn't going to come out. I sob in my hand. I should've said something to her. She said she broke it off. Its all my fault, I should've spoke to her. I take my chair and throw it against the wall. All the kids come in the waiting area. Gracen and Rose are sleeping. I sit there shaking and crying. Emma, Amber, Claire, Ben, Eric, Mason and Audrey are crying. Kenith has Audrey in his arms consoling her. Mason isn't really crying he's just red faced and has watery eyes. A doctor comes out and Maxon and I run to him.

"You might want to sit down. Im sorry we tried everything we could there was too much blood loss." I take the nearest thing to me and slam it against the wall. I take my fist and punch through the wall. "No. No! NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" I take a side table and slam it in the floor into a million pieces. I go to my knees and sob and sob. Its all my fault. I wish I could go back and tell her 'I love you one more time'. Maxon is pacing around the room with tears in his eyes. I throw vases at the wall, pretty much anything that can break I throw it. I scream and punch and kick the wall leaving whole everywhere, "No! I'm dreaming! This isn't real! America is alive! I can go hug and kiss her and tell her I love her right?" I ask with tears streaming out of my face. Ben shakes his head. I fall to my knees, I need to see her.

Emptiness for a few lines because I feel like it.

I walk back there and stare at her lifeless body. She still has her necklace on.  I take it as a memory from her, one of the last things she touched. Her wrist have deep fresh wounds in them. Its all my fault. I pull a chair next to the bed. I grab her hand and hold it. I weep in her hand, "I love you. I wish I could go back and tell you that. I love you so much. This is all my fault. I should've talked to you or none of this would've happened. You were my stars, my moon, my sun. You were my everything and still are." I feel her hand twitch. I scream for help. "America!" I scream her name. Doctors push me out of the way. I only hear one thing, "I love you." She manages to say. She starts coughing up blood. The doctors put a mask on her. I shout her name but the doctors take her somewhere else.

I go back to the waiting room and everyone is crying. Maxon is bawling in his hands. "Ummm, I don't know how to say this... she's alive. Her hand twitched in mine and she started coughing. She managed to choke out 'I love you' to me." Everyone in the room is in disbelief. Emma starts to bawl even more, knowing that America is alive.

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