Chapter 50

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Maxon's POV

America is all that's in my mind. She says she's fine but I don't know. I wish I could just kiss her and touch her. She looked so helpless on the bed. I wanted to hold her hand and tell her I love her but I know I can't. So many things have happened since she got here. Rebels haven't even attacked in years but they choose to attack while she's here.

I'm working in my study and Kenith comes in.



"Dad I want to marry her." I drop my papers on my desk.

"You want to get married right now?" He nods.

"I think you should wait."

"But I know I love her and always will."

"What does she think about this?"

"I haven't told her."

"Have you even kissed her?"

"Many times."

"I would say yes but you're too young. You can give her a promise ring but that's it. But before you do anything you need to make sure your feelings and her feelings are the same. I know from experience you need to check how she feels too."

"So I can't marry her?"

"You can but you need to wait. You're too young to get married. All I'm saying is that you wait and when you're 19 or 20 you can marry her."


"And what has mom said about this?"

"She said yes but I should wait til I'm older."

"Exactly this is why you ask before you do and I have no doubt that she won't be a great princess."

"Thank you dad. So I have to wait five whole years?"


"And one more thing before I leave. I know you still love America but you can't do that. It would be weird." He walks off. I sit there staring at the door. Am I really that visible?

A few hours later Kriss comes in.


"Did Kenith come to you?"

"Yep and I told him to wait."

"So did I. You know its kind of weird that America's daughter and our son fell in love. Its like a flashback of you and her." I nod. I think its the world telling me I made the wrong choice. The only positive thing about my choice is Kenith.

"Its a sign," I say quietly.


"Nothing," I say. Luckily she didn't hear that.

"So... about the coronation?"

"What about it?"

"When do you want it to be. It has to be soon because Illéa can't go without a king for long."

"How about next week."

"Okay. When is America and her family leaving?"

"I don't know. I know that they're staying at least til Christmas and the new year."

"Why so long?"

"I told them to come for Christmas and for them to come early."


We sit in silence for a long time. "If Kenith marries-"


"When Kenith marries Audrey is she going to be the next princess?"

"That's my plan."

"What about the rest of her family?"

"I'll invite them to live here or do what they want."

"So we could possibly be living with her family."

"America's kids might leave and go to college or start families."

"So it could be just America and Adam?"

"Maybe. What's with all the questions?"

"I just want to have a plan."

"Okay? So plan the coronation for next week. We'll announce it on the report."


She leaves. I wonder if she can see through me too. I leave my work and head to dinner. Everyone is sitting down. I take my usual seat next to Kriss and Kenith but then realize Kenith and Audrey aren't here. I smile to myself thinking about them and their future. She's going to be a great princess but America would be an amazing queen. She was my queen forever, now she's gone. She's someone elses queen.

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