Chapter 18

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America's POV

We've only been dating for a month and a half now and we're already this serious. I can't believe how fast we're moving. "I think I love you. I want to sleep next to you. I want to wake up to your kisses every morning. I want to just- just kiss you all over. I want to make you mine and only mine forever," he whispers seductively, "I want you forever. I need you America. I have you and will never let you go. I'm yours if you're mine." "I will love you forever and with all my heart-" I can't say anything else because Adam is on the floor bleeding. I look up to see a red faced Maxon.

Maxon starts to punch him harder and harder. I freeze and scream. One punch later Adam catches his fist and pins him to the floor and punches him. Both of their noses are gushing out blood. Maxon starts to grab his face and over takes him. Adam is on the floor passed out, and Maxon is punching the life out of him. I try to pry him off Adam but Maxon is too strong. He pulls my arm towards the floor and punches me across the face. Everything turns to a blur. All I hear is Adam screaming my name and coughing up blood. He's too weak to get up. Maxon gets ready to finish him off. I scream bloody murder, "Don't kill him! Please! I love him!" I say sobbing. Maxon looks furious than ever, I can feel the heat radiating off him. He grabs me by the throat and chokes me. This isn't the Maxon I know. Where is he? I begin to fade into eternal darkness until Adam picks him up and throws him through the window. He uses all his strength and falls to the floor. He crawls with only two arms trying to get to me. I see my vision creeping more into darkness. Adam cups my cheeks, "Stay with me America. I can't lose you," he says as tears fall into my hair. I hear sirens coming as a fade away more and more. "America!" He kisses me trying to wake me up but it doesn't do anything. "Wake up! I love you too much to let you go! Its not your time yet! Wake up!" He yells shaking me. He lays there and rocks me as he cries into my hair. "I love you," I say managing to choke out.

I hear glass being stepped on and me being picked up into an EMT gurney. I start to gasp for breaths more and more. The EMT's puts an oxygen mask on me to fill my lungs back up. They stick wires all into me. I'm scared I just want Adam. I just want to be held in his arms and him to kiss me. I blackout.


I wake up to beeping sounds, wires stuck in me and someone holding my hand. "Adam?" I say weakly. But relieved that he's okay."No its Maxon." As soon as I hear those words my eyes perk open and pull my hand away as fast as I can. "GET! OUT!" I yell. Maxon looks taken back. "America I'm sorry-" "NOW!" I yell. He limps out of the room holding his ribs. He doesn't leave the hospital, he just sits in the chair outside of the room. His face was covered in bruises, part of his lip was swollen, he had a black eye, his hair was a mess and had stitches in his forehead.

I try to get up but barely can. I call for a nurse but my voice reaches only above a whisper. I could talk normally if I hadn't screamed at Maxon. Apparently someone hears my voice because the burst through the door. Its Adam. He too has a swollen lip, bruises, stiches and a big knot on his forehead. It looks like he has a broken nose. He doesnt look as bad as Maxon. He comes up and squeezes me, I groan in pain. "Sorry," he says looking guilty for inflicting pain on me. He grabs a chair and scoots it by the bed. "I can't believe he did this to you! What's wrong with him?"

"He came into my room," Adam starts to get up looking like he's about to rip Maxon's head off. I sit him back down. He just shakes his head in anger. "I want to press charges but I know I can't. He's the prince of Illeá!"

"I know I'm mad too."

"I'm beyond mad! He thinks he can barge in and do that to you! Who does that!" Adam says whipping his arms in the air. He must've went home because he's wearing some new clothes. He has a royal blue fleece button up on (untucked) , with a black hoodie lined with white over top, dark jeans and some pristine white Converse's on (Registered to Converse. I do not own the brand.) "I brought up some clothes from your house."

"Good I'm ready to get out of here."

I go to the bathroom and change into a pink tank top that laces up in the back, some jeans with some rips in them and some leather sandals. I dig in the bottom of the bag and find my vanilla perfume. I take a look in the mirror. My neck is bruised all over and I have a bright red hand print on my left cheek. But my hair looks brighter than ever. It has its flame but now fuel has been added to the fire.

Why would Maxon do that? Why would he be at the cafe? The sign said 'CLOSED'. Maxon would never do that unless he's turning into his father abusive, horrible, intolerantable, terrible, foul and cruel.

I walk out the bathroom and see the stare down going on. Maxon must've not see Adam come in

"I just came to apologize to America."

"There shouldn't be an apology if you hadn't have done that. What's wrong with you? Barge in like you own the place." Maxon looks down.

"I'm sorry I've come to compensate for damages done. Each of you are given one million dollars to help with the hospital bills and to give an apology for my actions. I don't know what happened at the time. But I want you to forgive me. Its okay if you don't I understand."

Sometimes having too much kindness is bad but Adam is filled with it, "I forgive you," he turns to me to say it too. I hesitate for a second but it comes out anyways, "I forgive you." "Great!" Adam says perking up, "I've never got to formally introduce myself," he extends his hand, "I'm Adam. And I assume you know America." Maxon nods. "I don't really know your name blondy." Everyone laughs and it brightens up our day.

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