Chapter 46

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America's POV

Breakfast is awkward with Maxon staring at me every single second. Instead I look at Kenith staring at Audrey. I see Emma stabbing her food as he looks at Audrey. Finally breakfast is over.

Kenith jumps up and practically runs to Audrey. He offers her his arm she shakes her head but then takes it. Emma looks like she might explode. Adam takes my arm and takes me outside. As we walk in the gardens I see the bench. I see a little engraving that says 'M+A' with a heart around it. Maxon must've wrote that. "What do you want to do today?"

"I don't know?" I hear Ben and Eric running around. "What was you're favorite thing to do here?"

"Probably play cards with my maids." Adam laughs.

"Anything else?" Then I remember a piano in my old room. I take his hand and bolt to the stairs. I walk in my old room. It looks exactly the same. I look in the closet. I remember leaving some dresses they're still here. There's a group of pillows next to the bed like someone has been sleeping in here. I ignore it and open the piano stool with music. Its still all in order the way I put it in. The violin is still in the corner. I sit on the bench and play something. I remember the song like breathing. Adam joins in on a higher octive.

"I never knew you know how to play the piano."

"My mom taught me." We play the song over and over again. He gets closer and kisses me. I push his head closer to mine. I grab a handful of his shirt and untuck it but then realize we're in the palace. We stop and he tucks his shirt back in.

"That reminds of something," he says reaching in his pocket. He gives me a black velvet box. I open it there's a silver necklace with A+A forever engraved in it. I hug him and kiss him.

"I love it. I will cherish this forever."

I go to the balcony and look out. I see Kenith and Audrey sitting on the bench. She laughs at him and he gets closer. Adam comes and looks and sees what I see. Audrey has her first kiss with a prince. She had a boyfriend before but never kissed him. Its like a fairytale. My first kiss was in a tree house. They pull away looking at each other and smiling. In the corner of my eye I see an angry Emma stomping off. When she closes the doors to outside she lets out an ear bleeding scream.

Adam and I run down to see if she's okay.

"What's wrong?" I say.

"I'm going to kill her!" She yells and starts to march outside but I hold her back.

"Calm down. You don't want to make an even bigger scene."

"There's already a scene outside! I'm going to obliterate her! Audrey I'm going to kill you!"

"Emma! Stop it now! She doesn't have control of it! Calm down before you ruin the whole trip! Are we clear."

"Yes mam," she says quietly.

"Now go do something else."

"Go team America!" Adam says raising his fist in the air. I roll my eyes.

"I'm going to the library."

"I'll tag along."

I pick out a great book about Illéa back then or should I say America. Adam comes and sits next to me. After a while I finish but Adam stays. I go and venture out in the palace.

I pass the women's room. It looks untouched. Then I remember the roof. I run to the secret lever and pull it.

The sweet Angles air surrounds me. I go look over the railing and see massive gardens all around. I rest my elbows on the railing and lay my chin on my hand. I probably stand for five minutes to realize I'm not alone. I turn around its Maxon.


"Hey," he says, "enjoying your stay?"

"Yeah all the kids are too." Maxon comes and joins me to look out in the gardens.

"Its beautiful out here."

"I know."

I turn and face Maxon and his face is inches away. He closes the gap and his lips touch mine. I don't know what I feel. Hatred or wanting more. I pull away, "Maxon-"

"America please listen," I listen, "whenever I saw you with Aspen I just couldn't. I was mainly mad at myself for not seeing it but when I turned to Kriss, I knew I'd made a life changing mistake. Every day I wish I could go back in time. What would we be together? Even if you will never love me again, just know I'll always love you."

"I have a family to take care of," I say walking off but suddenly am stopped. Maxon has his hands gripping my arms.

"I just need to know one more thing. Do you think there's a possibility," he says softly. I don't answer and jerk my hand away. I don't answer because I don't have an answer. I keep feeling this same emotion but have no idea what it is but I keep shoving it down deeper and deeper.

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