Chapter 40

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America's POV

"Hey kids I need you all to come down here." There is tons of footsteps coming from everywhere. They all sit on the couch. "We have so big news."

"Please don't tell me you're pregnant," Claire says.

"Oh my gosh! I'm going to have another brother or sister!" Emma says squealing.

"No me and your father are done having kids." Adam laughs. He still has his gorgeous smile and perfect face. After all he is only 34 years old and I'm 33. "We are going to the palace for Christmas!" Adam says. Claire screams, Ben just sits there in confusion, Mason is on his phone, Emma is already making plans to marry Maxon, Amber is almost about to go to sleep, Audrey just sits there bored out of her mind, Eric just shrugs it off, Rose and Gracen are too young to understand. "I'm going to go pack," Emma says bolting up the stairs. "Me too," Claire says following behind. Rose and Gracen fall asleep on the couch with their teddy bears. They're only three. When everyone goes up for bed, Adam and I carry them to their room.

Mason, Claire and Audrey have their own room. Emma and Amber have to share and Ben and Eric share and so does Gracen and Rose. I go into each of their rooms every night.

"Hey Mason."

"Hey mom."

"Are you ready for the palace?"

"I guess." He says never looking up from his phone. I take a quick peak. It says 'Abigail' at the top. "Whose this Abigail girl?"

"Nobody," he says shutting off his phone. "Good night love you," I say walking out. Next stop Claire's room. Shes looking at her phone or course its pink. Her thick brown hair braided back and blue eyes stare at the screen. Its like pink and boy posters threw up in her room. Pink bed, pink pillows, pink rugs, pink desk, pink everywhere except the wood floor. "Are you packed up?"


"I guess you're excited."

"Not as excited as Emma," she says and I laugh.

"Love you good night."

"Good night."

I walk in Emma and Amber's room and see Emma jumping up and down on her bed. They're actually biologically related but we adopted them. Their blonde hair and blue eyes stand out from anywhere. "I guess Emma is not ready," I say sarcastically.

"She's been like this since you told her she's going to see Prince Maxon."

"You guys need to go to sleep. Love you."

"Love you too," they both say in unison.

I go and check on Audrey before I check the other boys. "Hey." She's listening to music so she can't hear me. I can hear it from outside her ear buds. It's violin music. She's a spitting image of me. Her red hair is fiery like mine and has ocean blue eyes. Its like Mason and Adam. If they were the same age they would be twins. She also shares a strong passion for music especially the piano. I take the ear buds out. "Hello?" She looks up, "hey."

"Do you have everything together?"

"Yeah," she says sounding bored.

"What's wrong you seem down."

"I just don't really want to go to the palace. I don't really see a reason too. Emma thinks Prince Maxon is so hot but I just want the food." Yep, she's definitely me.

"You know I was just like that when I entered the Selection."

"But I'm not going to marry someone."

"I know but when I got used to it I really liked being there."

"Okay but I'm not making any promises. Love you."

"Love you too."

I hear yelling coming from Ben and Eric's room as yank the door open. They're wrestling with Adam. They have him pinned down on the floor. "Tap out! Tap out!" They shout. Adam bangs on the floor and stands up, "You guys are strong." Somehow Ben ended up with black hair but his deep blue eyes you could stare into all day. He looks just like Adam but with black hair when he was young. Eric is almost the complete opposite he has red hair and forest green eyes. He reminds me almost of Gerad but with red hair. "Well time to go to bed. Got everything packed?"


"Maybe," Ben says. I glare at him and nods quickly. "Good night you two. I better not come in and find you guys wrestling."

"Good night," Adam says. He shuts the door. We peak in Rose and Gracen's room and they're sound asleep. He shuts the door quietly and we go to our room. "You know what we could do tonight?" Adam says wiggling his eyebrows.

"How about we watch a movie."

"Fine but I can't promise nothing will happen tomorrow night," he says. We lay in bed watching the movie. He puts his arm around me and I burrow my way in his chest under the covers. We both fall asleep. After a while the TV automatically turns off.

In the middle of the night I feel a small figure climb in the middle of me and Adam. A teddy bear hits my face. The lamp is still left on. I slowly open my eyes and see Gracen sleeping right in the middle of us. Adam is snoring lightly. His strawberry blonde hair is combed to the side but sticks up a little bit. He has a head full of hair. Its so soft and fluffy as I stroke it. His blue eyes look just like Adam's and his pettite body you could just squeeze. I move my body closer to the edge of our bed to give Gracen more room. A few minutes later he scoots into my chest and near my face with his teddy bear in his arms. I put my arms around him and kiss the back of his head good night, then he rests his head on my neck for the night. I make sure he's bundled up in the covers and wish my whole family good night.

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