Chapter 43

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Kenith's POV

When the red head walks in I immediately think she's stunning. She can't be older than me. She looks at me, her blue eyes look like the ocean and her hair is flaming red. She's so beautiful. When they all line up I look at her the whole time. All I hear is blah blah blah but when her mom introduces her I pay attention. She's a triplet! Woah! Her name is Audrey that's a perfect name. She's 14 too! I have to impress her.

When she spots me staring she blushes. I smile at her she smiles too. My father told me that her mom was in the Selection but he picked mom instead. I look at the line of kids and they disperse and head to the dining area.

When Audrey is walking I catch up to her. "Hi I'm Kenith,"I say extending my hand. She shakes it. Her skin is so smooth she's like an angle. "I'm Audrey a pleasure to meet you Prince Kenith."

"Just call me Kenith."

I see her younger sister walk up to her. I think her name is Emma. "Hi I'm Emma!" She says very perky. "Kenith," I say extending my hand. "This is Audrey. She didn't really want to come here but mom made her." Audrey glares at her to stop. I laugh at the siblings. I wish I had a brother or a sister.

When we get to the table and sit down Audrey sits by her brothers, Ben and Mason. I make sure I can get a good view of her. Once again she catches me staring and she blushes and puts a stray hair behind her ear. She's perfect.

"So how are you guys?" Dad says to America and Adam.

"Good," America says.

"We were thinking about visiting but we were too occupied with work," mom says. Gracen gets out from his seat and pulls his mom's dress.

"What?" She whispers.

"I want to sit with you."

"Fine," she says picking him up and putting him on her lap. Dad laughs to himself. I can tell he has some sort of feelings towards America. He told me she was his second pick but I can tell she wasn't. She was his first. Luckily he didn't because I wouldn't have met Audrey. I stare at her the whole dinner. She catches me a couple of times but I don't care.

I wake up from my daze when she gets up. I get up and jog to catch up to her.

"Hey," I say.


"I was wondering if you'd like a tour of the palace tomorrow with me."



"I don't know where my room is. I don't think any of us know where our rooms are."

"Follow me. One moment."

I walk up to dad. He's talking to America, "Hey dad do you want me to show Audrey- er- them their rooms?"

"Sure," he says laughing.

"Okay I'm back," I say running up to Audrey.

"So where are you from."


"Cool. Do you have any friends at home," I'm trying to see if she has a boyfriend or not.

"Yeah, I had a boyfriend, Austin but he broke up with me." Yes! I want to jump up and down but instead I say sorry. "So you have eight siblings?"


"That's cool. Your sister told me you weren't exactly wanting to be here."

"Oh ignore her. She's just jealous you talked to me first. She had a crush on your dad but realizes he has a son so..."


"Yeah she gets confusing." She says and we both laugh. We finally get to the hall where she's staying.

"Here you go. See you tomorrow."


"Good night."

She shuts the door and I dance in the hallway. I met my first girl and I think she likes me.

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