Chapter 47

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Maxon's POV

I stay on the roof mourning what could've been. America never gave me an answer. Maybe there's a chance but I know she would never leave her family for me.

Kenith and Audrey seem to like each other. It would seem that they would be the left off love story of America and I but our love story isn't over yet. I'm going to pursue her til the day I die.

If Kenith falls in love with Audrey, I'm not going to make him have a Selection it would be wrong of me to do so. I go and check on father. I knock and he says come in.

"I'm ready to pass down the crown."


"I'm done. Just completely done. I put my trust in you now. Kriss will have to get a different crown I just can't. I'm going to put the Queen's crown in a special place and tell the maids to make a new one." I nod. I'd probably do the same if I were in his position. He looks on the verge of tears. I've only heard him cry once which was at mom's funeral. Everyone left and I waited outside the car. Father bent down on his knees and wept on her casket mourning her name. He's never been the same since she passed.

If America dies before me I don't know what I'd do. I'd probably want to kill myself to be with her. "Thank you father," I say walking away.

"Please call me dad. I've been a terrible father- I just. I just- I," he falls to the floor collapsing. "HELP!" I say trying to lift him up on the couch. Maids come rushing in. "I'll tell your mother you said hello." His eyes shut and fades away.

The doctor comes in but is too late. I feel like crying but I can't. Not one tear comes out.

I leave and go to my study. I'm king now. I'll have to tell Illéa on the report tomorrow. I sigh, I'll get Kriss to plan the coronation. I distract myself with work until Kenith comes in.


"I need to ask you something."


"I don't want a Selection."

"Okay that's fine. Do you have anyone in mind?"


"Wow, she's only been here a day."

"But I can already tell she's the one." I laugh to myself.

"It sounds like me in my Selection. I knew she was the one."

"You're talking about America?" How do people know? I want to say yes but instead shake my head. "Mom?"

"Yes," I say lying straight through my teeth.

"So I don't have to have a Selection?"


"Thank you dad," he says running off and jumping up and down. It makes me wonder if America and I fell in love at a young age where would we be.

I hear another knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Hey," she says. Its America, "sorry about your dad."


"I wanted to come and check on you."

"I'm fine just overwhelmed. Kenith came in and told me he doesn't want a Selection. He's in love with Audrey." America doesn't look shocked. She laughs to herself.

"Didn't supprise me one bit," she says.

"Me neither," I say laughing. There's a pause between us, "it kind of reminds me of us."


"At a younger age. During the Selection I mean."

"Yeah. Well I better get going. I'm for your loss I know how it feels."

"Thank you."


We have to the funeral the next day. I told Kriss to start planning ahead of time because I knew it would happen soon. I know I should be sad but I'm not. I feel perfectly fine. Everyone's in black and rulers around the world come to the funeral. Its all a blur. I don't think really anyone cries, its just quiet. When the funeral is over the kings and queens express their condolences. I just shake their hand and thank them. Unfortunately America's family has to be here for this. They probably didn't want to go to the funeral.

I wonder what I would be like if America had died. All I know is I couldn't live. Even though she's taken, I love her.

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