Chapter 56

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Adam's POV

I sit there hours waiting for a doctor to come out. I play with her silver necklace in my hand. I look around the room everyone is asleep except for Mason, Claire, Kenith, Maxon and myself. I wonder why Kriss isn't here. Its 2:00 AM and I'm restless. I cannot sleep til I know America is okay. I look at my watch a few hours have passed its 3:30. My eyes start to drift to sleep.

I jerk up and look at my phone. Its 7:00. Everyone is here except Kriss. Audrey is laying on Kenith's chest sleeping and he rests his head on her head. Mason is on the floor with a blanket somehow. Ben and Eric are passed out in two chairs. Gracen and Rose pulled two chairs together to make a bed and are sleeping with a blanket. Emma looks mad when she sleeps. Amber has her head back and mouth wide open. Claire is on a couch laying down sound asleep. Maxon has his head resting on his hand slouching. He still looks like a king when he's sleeping.

I go to the bathroom and my eyes are red and poofy. I have dried up tears all over my face. All I can think about is the last moment with her. I didn't even talk to her. When she was laying in the bed she looked so peaceful. Her pale face and wounds on her wrist. Thinking about it makes me sob. I just want to tell her its going to be okay and hold her. I want our happy family to be happy again. The kids don't know what she did. Should I tell them? I should wait til America is okay. I will wait years for her, just to tell her 'I love you'.

It feels like years waiting for the doctor. Everyone is awake now. "Where's mommy?" Rose asks.

"She's not do well right now. Just go sit back down."

"I want to sit with you." She says. I pick her up and put her in my lap. "I miss mommy. Where is she."

"She's not-" I swallow, "she's not one hundred percent here right now. The doctors are helping her right now."

"What happened?"

"She- she-," I break down crying. Its all my fault. If the kids don't have a mother, its all my fault. Mason takes Rose and puts her on his lap. My children might not have a mother anymore. Rose and Gracen might not even remember America. If they don't its all because of me.

I weep in my hands. Anger builds up in myself for the guilt knowing its my fault. I take another chair and throw it at the door. That's probably the third chair. I fall to the floor holding her necklace against my face. Just one more time. I just need to see her one more time. The kids need her to see her. If the kids find out what happened, I don't know where to begin to explain.

Maxon takes the seat next to me, "How are you doing?"

"I feel like absolute h***."

"Don't we all. What exactly happened?"

I swallow and hold back the tears when I start to tell him, "I found her in a corner," tears start to come, "she was laying down. There was blood everywhere. She- she," I choke put the last part, "cut her self on her wrists. Its all my fault. Its my fault she did that. If- if I just would've listened or talked to her, she would be here next to me. I would be able to kiss her and tell her I love her." I let the tears flow out as much as they want. Maxon doesn't cry but looks like he might. He runs his hands through his hair. "I wish I just could go back. She wouldn't have died then came back alive and then be hanging on a thread. I could be holding her right now. If I just would've said something."

"May I ask about what?" I freeze. He doesn't know America told me about their little secret. I nod my head for him to go outside. He goes and I follow. I slam the door behind me.

"She told me. She told me everything from your kisses to little love confessions but she told me she broke it off. My question is why do you keep chasing her? She's gone now."

"I truly am sorry for what chaos I've caused but I never have gotten over America and never will." I glare at him. I can see little beads of sweat on his forehead. "I think our trip is done here."

"Adam please I'm sorry."

"Its been too much trouble here. America has been in the hospital twice here. We've only been here for about, maybe two weeks. Why would we not leave?"

"I'm sorry Adam. I really am."

"Sorry doesn't mean anything to me from you. You're nice and all but I don't know if I can trust you." I can tell Maxon is trying to stay calm. "America needs to get back home and rest. Its what's best for her."

"You know nothing what's best for her!" He yells. I'm so infuriated. If anybody knows what's best for America its me. I shove him against the wall gripping his shirt. He bangs his head. I'm a little bit shorter than him. He stares at me with eyes of anger and fury. I want him to fight me. I need to put him in his place. He takes his arm and jabs me in the neck. I step back coughing. He shoves me to the ground but I get back up. I body slam him into the wall. Knocking a whole in the wall. He flips me and I go through the wall in the waiting room. I take his neck and slam it in the floor. I'm too overwhelmed with anger to stop myself. I see Kenith and Mason try to pull us apart but they are afraid they might get thrown somewhere. "You don't tell me what's best for America!" He yells. Blood covers his face and so is mine. He lunges at my stomach and knocks me into a chair. I take the chair and pound it on his back. He stops for a second then grabs my neck and flips me onto a table. He throws me up against a pointed edge and it catched my back. I scream in agony. He bashes my head in the corner. Once he sees blood spilling out he stops.

Everything goes blurry. I can barely see anything. After a few seconds it clears back up. I kick Maxon's stomach. I roll him to the floor and punch him. He catches one of them and gets up. He stomps on my hand. Then he kicks my stomach. I'm coughing up blood everywhere. I use my all of my strength and throw him over the counter in the waiting room. He somehow gets up and flies back over. He has me in a head lock, I can't breathe. Mason and Kenith pry him off of me as I gasp for breath. I try and lunge at him but Mason keeps me back.
His face has blood all over it. His head has a big gash and has blood streaming out of his nose. I put my hand to my nose and its spilling out blood. My head has multiple punctures and my back has a long gash where the edge dug in. The doctor comes in and sees the mess we've made. Maxon tries to stand up but fails. I don't even try.

There's a big whole in the wall, dents everywhere, many broken chairs and blood stains everywhere. Guards come rushing in. They're really late. They see us each on the floor. They push Mason away and make me lay on my stomach. They yank my hands behind my back and put handcuffs on. They try to lift me but have no luck. I'm dead weight, I can't stand up or walk probably. Maxon waves them off of me and they take the cuffs off.

The doctors take Maxon and I to separate rooms far away from each other. The doctor takes my blood stained shirt with mine blood and America's blood on it and throws it away. He sprays something on my back and it stings. He gets bandages and wraps it around my torso. Then he stitches up my head and cleans the wounds. My nose bleed stopped. He cleans my face off and has to use three cloths to get all the blood off of me. During the whole time I had America's necklace in my hand.

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