Chapter 29

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Maxon's POV

I try to look happy. I tried to plaster on a smile the whole time. Seeing America marrying a man other than me makes me want to cry, seeing her kiss another guy makes me want to die and kissing her makes me want to fly.

I watch her and Adam cut the four teared cake together. They each get a piece. Before Adam takes a bite, America grabs a handful of cake and smashes it in Adam's face. Everyone burst out laughing. Adam picks America up and kisses her all over her face with his caked covered face. They're both laughing and take photos.

After they clean their faces and everyone has cake, they call for pictures. Adam picks America up bridal style and kisses her in front of the splashing waves for the picture. Then her family including Aspen and his family. Then one with her maids and the selection girls.

"Maxon get over here!" America says beckoning me. I roll my eyes and go over. Then I realize its just me and her. She puts her hand on my shoulder and leans her head on it. I put my hand around her waist. She doesn't let me get too close, only at a friendly distance. We smile, when I see the picture there's love in each of our eyes but her's is a different kind of love than mine. She put me in the friend zone.

Her and Adam take some more together. One of them they were holding hands and kissing with America's bent up. And another they were walking down the beach and written in the sand was together forever. When all the pictures were done America goes to the dance floor.

"Unfortunately my dad isn't here," she says in the microphone, "but Kota and Gerad Singer will fill his spot today to have the first dance." Halfway through the song Gerad dances with her. He's a little to short so she has to bend down. Then Aspen comes up and dances. Someone taps me on the shoulder, "Hey its your turn." I wasn't filled in on this plan but I go anyways.

I wrap my arms around her lower back and she rests her hands around my neck. We just sway and turn a little bit. "Congratulations on the wedding."

"Thanks you guys really surprised me. Kota and Gerad was just supposed to dance with me. Aspen told me it was Adam's idea that you all have your turn." Adam has to be perfect than me doesn't he, "I appreciate that you're okay with us just being friends," I nod. When did I say that was okay?

"Do you guys plan to have kids- er- I mean," she laughs, "sorry that was rude of me to ask."

"Its okay, we both want at least four."

"That's a lot of kids."

"Yep. Did you and Kriss think about having kids?"

"Well we kind of have to produce and heir. But other than that I never really thought to ask." Now I feel bad not talking to Kriss about our future together. Not with America but Kriss.

"How's your father and mom?"

"He's the usually always yelling and my mom she's been getting sick more a lot lately. The doctors say its because of the environment she was living in when she was a child. I think its that and her getting older. I mean she's not too old but the poor health conditions she had is taking its toll too."

"I hope she gets better."

"Me too."

I feel some sort of connection between us but I don't know if its love or our friendship growing. She probably just thinks we're friends, I mean she just said we were.

"Where are you guys going for your honeymoon?"

"He won't tell me."


"Were you nervous today?"

"Yeah kind of. I just made sure that I said my vows correctly." She smiles. Her lips forming the perfect shape and the dazzling straight white teeth showing. She's perfect and doesn't even know it. I'm going to miss her smile, her hair, her everything.

"I miss this."

"What?" She asks.


"What do you mean?"

"Spending time together as friends. You should come and visit some time maybe."

"Maybe we could."

She said 'we' meaning Adam. I just wanted her. I want to be stranded on an island with her. Away from distractions, cameras, people, especially Kriss and Adam. I mean there's nothing wrong with Adam he's a great guy but she was meant to be with me. I snap out of my daze when someone taps my shoulder.

"May I have my wife for this dance."

"Oh sorry, yeah sure," I say.

Adam puts his hands where mine were except he gets to go closer to her. I don't know how I'm going to move on or if I ever will.

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