Chapter 22

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America's POV

We enter through a big gate. We're surrounded by some trees here and there. Its 7:00 so its starting to get dark. On the scattered trees they are lit up with yellow lights hanging on the branches and leaves. The dance floor is bordered by hanging light bulbs on string. Luckily the ground has been cleaned so the shiny cobblestone reflects the light. We are boxed in by tan buildings and have a patio area with seating. The tables are round and all have white table cloths and wooden chairs. In the middle of everything is a huge fountain. Water steps up and up on each other til it reaches the little decorative pineapple on top.

I recognize Maxon right when he walks in. His honey colored hair is very noticeable. He's wearing a black tux and a white eye mask. Kriss has her arm looped in his. She has a deep purple colored dress that goes below her knee and lets her straight brown hair down.

Adam wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on one of my shoulders. I sway with him as he smells my neck. I notice Maxon has spotted us out of the crowd. He takes big strides towards us and sees Adam sniffing my perfume on my neck. Adam doesn't see Maxon and kisses my neck. His kisses make me want to melt. I lose control of my body and roll my head back and moan quietly. Before I know it Maxon and Kriss is right in front of us. Adam quickly straightens up and puts his hand on my lower back.

"You guys look great," I say

"You look beautiful- I mean good too." Even under the night sky I can see him blush.

"How are you enjoying your final two weeks in Florida?" Adam asks.

"I don't want to leave!" Kriss says. Maxon chuckles quietly to himself.

"Do you guys want to go sit down?"


We grab a table for four. I look for Celeste and Natalie but I only find Natalie sitting with her friend. Adam sits on one side of me while Maxon sits on the other. Adam scoots me closer to him and settles his arm on my waist. We talk for a while til Adam takes my hand and I stand up. He bends down and kisses it, "May I have the pleasure of dancing with you my lady?" I laugh, "Of course my childish prince." Oops didn't mean to say that in front of Maxon. The music is classical so we have to waltz. Crap. "Fore warning, sorry if your toes are bleeding after this." He snickers. I let Adam guide me. I have no clue what to do. "You're not too bad," he says and beams a smile on his face.

"You know if I had more practice I could be better."

"Are you willing to take the time and effort to do so?"

"Nope." We both laugh. The song ends the host tells us to find a new partner. "Until next time my lady." He says and kisses my hand. "Of course my knight in shining armor." He walks off looking back one more time at me and smiles.

I almost go sit back down til someone taps my shoulder. "May I have this dance?" "Of course." He has brown hair that is slicked back with so much hair gel. He has WAY too much cologne on. It smells like a sweaty locker room. "How are you doing today?"

"I'm fine."

"You here with somebody?" I nod.

"What's your name?"

"America. Yours?"


"You seem familiar. Its like you were on TV or something. Do I know you from somewhere?"

"Nope," I lie. I look for Adam he's dancing with this one girl who has a little skimpy tight dress that pushes her breast up. I want to pull her off of him. She steps way too close for my liking. Apparently his too because he steps back a couple more steps. She pushes his hands low on her back. He tries to push them up A LOT more but she pushes them down and makes him keep them there. She steps closer to him. He's about to step back but she pushes him in and holds him there. She says something forceful but he shakes his head. She says it again and he just backs away leaving her alone on the dance floor. The song ends finally.  I think I might have to wash the scent of his cologne out of my nose.

I see Maxon coming towards me I panick. I turn away from him and tap some random guy on the shoulder. When he turns around my eyes are wide open. He's gorgeous. I can tell he's a model. "Do you want to dance."

"Sure but I'm not that good."

I smile, "Me too."

He puts his hands on my back and I put my arms on his broad shoulders. He has blonde hair that sticks up a little bit and is somewhat combed. He leads me all the way across the dance floor away from Adam and almost everyone else. I just think he doesn't want to mess up in front of people.

"So," I say, "what's your name?"



We just sway the whole time because neither of us can dance. During mid song I feel hands slide a little bit to low for my liking. I look up at him he gets closer. I look for someone but we're pretty far out. When I turn back his face is inches away from mine. He kisses me hard. I try to pull away but he's bending me backwards. I try to kick him but never succeed. He pulls his lips away but is still to close for comfort. "I know you want me America. You want my body you want every part of me." "No I don't!" He's caught off guard and I knee him where the no no spot is. This time I know for a fact I hit the right spot. He falls to the floor cradling himself. What a low life piece of *beep*. I go to security and have him arrested.

I look around for Adam but don't see him. Then I realize the song ended. I need to find a partner before Maxon finds me. Someone taps me on the shoulder I turn around and guess who. You guessed right Maxon. Crap. "May I have this dance?" "Sure." He wraps his arms around to my back. I unfortunately have to put my arms on the back of his neck.

"How have you and Adam been going?"

"Good what about you and Kriss?"

"Good I guess."

"America I know I need to get over you but I can't. As hard as I try I can't stay away from you. Once I turned to Kriss that day I knew I'd made the wrong choice. I'm addicted to you. I fall in love with you everyday even if you're not with me. You're all I have on my mind. I love you America. I always will."

I freeze. I would yell at him but I don't want to make a scene.

"You need to move on," I say gritting through my teeth, "I've moved on. Why can't you do the same?"

"Because you're the only person I love and will ever love."

"Maxon I'd rather part as friends than nothing. Don't ruin that."

"I just want you to know what feelings I have for you." He steps closer. I walk start to walk away but he grabs my hand. I need to find Adam. "America wait."

"What? Say it or let go of me."

I stare at him for a couple of seconds and then yank my hand away. I go find Adam but then am stopped dead in my tracks. I hear Maxon coming calling my name he stop immediately at the sight too. I fall on my knees and sob into my hands.

I find Adam pushing a girl against a wall and kissing her with her dress straps down. Her dress is unzipped. Adam hears me crying and freeze. He runs to me, "America I can explain."

"Explain what? How can you begin to explain that!" His eyes look horrified realizing how his mistake impacts our relationship. Maxon stands from afar watching the whole thing unfold. Luckily we are far away from the tables and dance floor.


"Before you ask to get a word in think about if you deserve one." He thinks long and hard. "Was I not good enough for you! Did I not fulfill your needs! I loved you!"

"Love- loved- loved me. What do you mean by loved me. Do you not love me anymore!"

"Do you think I can after that!"

"Don't let this little mistake ruin us."

"Little! Little Mistake! You think this is a little mistake! Its not a mistake its a betrayal."

"I think you're over reacting."

"Over reacting! Maxon do you think I'm over reacting?" I turn my head and he shakes his head. I start to cool down and not want to drawn in a crowd. "I'm sorry Adam," I say emotionless, "I can't be with you." I take my ring and throw it at his chest and leave. Maxon follows me, "Do you need a ride?" I can only nod.

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