Chapter 39

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Maxon's POV
15 years later

Remember when I told you we needed an heir. We have one now. I'm 35 years old and only have one kid. My father keeps telling get more heirs or no crown for me. I just sigh and shake my head. I wonder how America is doing if she has anymore kids. I haven't called or talked to her in nine years. She had a baby but I never asked anything about him.

Everything has been depressing around the palace since mom died. She died two years ago. Father has been yelling at me more but he's been depressed too and still is. There's no light anymore in the palace. Just depression and sadness. If America were here it would be happy and jubilant. I should call America and see how she's doing. I haven't talked to her in years but I think about her everyday. If I would've chose her I already would have tons of kids. I decide to call her. Maybe I could invite her to stay for a while.

"Hello?" She says. Her voice sounds just the same. I remember her voice like my name.

"Hey its Maxon."

"Oh hi Maxon."

"I just wanted to see how you are doing." I hear yelling in the background. 'Mom Ben won't give my phone back' 'Ben give it to her please'.

"Sorry about the yelling the kids are arguing." I laugh. Wait did she just say kids. As in more than one.

"Wait kids. You mean like you have more than one?"

"Yep. I have nine. Mason, Claire, Amber, Benjamin, Eric, Audrey, Emma, Rose and Gracen."


"We were supposed to have six but Benjamin, Eric and Audrey are triplets and Rose and Gracen are twins. Amber and Emma are adopted."

"That's a lot of kids."

"Have you and Kriss ever think about more having kids?"

"We tried another time but nothing happened."

"I'm sorry."

"I was wondering if you'd like to come to the palace for a while. Its almost December and we need some guests."

"I have to check with Adam."

"Okay." I hear her whispering.

"He said absolutely!"

"Great! When do you guys want to come?"

"How about next week."

"Shoot I didn't think about the kids and school."

"Its fine we home school them."

"Great I'll have the rooms set up and everything. We'll also pay for your plane tickets."

"You don't have to do that."

"You're our guest."

"Okay," she chuckles, "bye."

"Bye." I want to say I love you but of course I can't. I can't wait to have America and her kids here. Oh and Adam I guess. I need to tell father and Kriss. My son won't care so I won't tell him. If father doesn't want them here then he'll just have to deal with it. I go to my father first. I take a deep breath before knocking.

"Come in."


"What do you need."

"Well, I came to tell you that we're going to be having some guests for Christmas." He drops whatever he's doing and drops it on his desk.

"And you didn't think to consult me."

"No sir."

"Who is it."

"America and her family." He takes a long and hard sigh. "Why?"

"It seems gloomy at the palace and I know America can do a great job lifting up the mood."

"How many people are in her family?"



"Nine of them are kids."

"Maxon why don't you think before doing something," he says. Surprisingly he's not mad at all. He just seems to be overwhelmed.

"Obviously you're stressed and you need a break. Maybe it might help that we're having guests over."

"Whatever. You're dismissed."

Surprisingly that went better than expected. I was expecting for him to yell at me and tell me to stop them from coming. I'm pretty sure Kriss will be fine about them coming over.

"Kriss?" I say opening the door.

"Hey Maxon."

"I was wondering if you'd like some guests for Christmas."

"How many?"


"Woah! Who are they."

"America, Adam and their kids."

"She has nine kids?"



"So are you okay with them coming?"

"Of course, we should have a Christmas party. Ooo what about a ball?"

"Sounds perfect."

"When are they coming?"

"Next week."

"So that's the start of December. So I have time to plan a ball."

"Yep. Well I'm going to go."



Whew that's over with. I'm still shocked that father was okay with it. Now I need to see America. What if she loves me?

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