Chapter 9

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America's POV

I can't believe I kissed Maxon. I betrayed my own thoughts, that I needed to move on. But I can't maybe I'll never get over Maxon.

*knock* *knock*

"Come in."

"How'd it go?"

"Not good," I say starting to cry. I leen into Celeste's shoulder and just let them flow out.

"I'll never be able to get over him."

"He loves you and you love him. Why do you keep running away from him."

"Its impossible for us to be together. If I get caught doing something with him it would cost me my life."

"You have to choose Maxon or no Maxon."

"But I can't. I tell myself I'm over him and then he comes waltzing in and flips my mind over. I've told him we can't be together but he just keeps coming back. He won't take no for an answer."

"So you want to break up with him?"

"We're already broken up. We're gone, the us ship has sailed, we're just dust flowing in the wind that can't be put together."

"How about we leave Clermont. Maxon can't stay here forever. We can go somewhere cool."

"That sounds cool," says Natalie.

"I like the idea. How about you America?"

It takes me a minutes to decide. If I need to forget something then I have to leave it behind and that's exactly what I'm doing.

"I'm in."

The sadness leaves the room almost immediately.

"So where do you guys want to go?"

"Somewhere near the beach."


"I know exactly where we can go. Florida."

"And its on the opposite side of the country of where you know who lives."

The perfect plan to forget.

1 month later

Maxon didn't leave after another week. But I've moved on now. I'm so excited we're going to live in Florida. Right next to the clear blue waters and get sand in our toes.

"Everything packed?"


"Alright lets go to Florida!"


When we get there the smell of the ocean hits me in the face. Its beautiful we have our private house. I just want to go and jump in the water. I bet when the sun sets it will be spectacular.

When I get to my room my jaw drops. Its huge! I have a blue bed spread to match my view of the ocean. The balcony doors are open to let the sweet smell of the ocean in. I go to my balcony and rest my elbow on the railing and rest my chin on my hand. I stay out there for a solid sixty minutes. Then I realize I should go to bed. I drift off to sleep dreaming what the future might hold for me.

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