Chapter 49

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Adam's POV

All I know is that America might not make it. Its all the doctor is telling me. I'm pacing around in the palace waiting room. All I think about is America. I wish I could tell her to keep fighting, don't give up and I love you. I get frustrated, I shouldn't have fallen asleep. Luckily I found Gracen and he's okay. I pick up a chair and throw it in the wall, breaking the chair and leaving a big whole in the wall. I yell and pull my hair. I want to curl up in a ball and die. Maids scurry in to pick up the pieces of the chair. I bend down and help clean up the mess I've made. Maxon walks in looking on the verge of tears. He sits down and puts his face in his hands. If she dies, I don't know. The doctors say she's in surgery its been almost five hours. Maxon is still here. I can't worry about the kids. They probably have no clue this is going on.

I sit in the chair tapping my foot. I stare at the door waiting for America to come through and hug me but I know she won't. I get impatient and throw magazines instead but I end up throwing two chairs too. I pace around waiting for the doctor to come out. I replay the words in my head 'I love you'.

Maxon runs his hands through his hair. He's nervous too. When we see a doctor come in the room I sprint to him and Maxon jumps up.

"She out of surgery and she'll be perfectly fine." I let out a huge breath I didn't know I was holding. Thank God.

"Thank you doctor so much," I say hugging him, "you've saved her. Thank you."

"Thank you Dr. Bishop."

"Anytime. You may go and see her if you'd like." I run through the doors looking for her. She has her own room.

When I open the door she's laying there sleeping. I pull up a chair and sit next to her. Maxon comes in too but he just stands. I grab her hand and hold it. She looks okay for just being stabbed. Her leg just has stitches and I don't know about her stomach.

I feel her move one of her fingers. "Adam?"

"Yeah its me."

"When did you get here?"

"The doctor just let me in. I thought I'd lost you. I'm so in love with you and if you'd had-"

"But I didn't."

"Still." I shake my head thinking about what could've happened. I kiss her hand.

"Where's the kids I want to get out of here."

"There's the America we know," Maxon says.

"Hey Maxon."

"He sat in there with me as I unleashed my anger." She starts crying, "what's wrong?"

"Where's Gracen. Oh my God! I shouldn't have left him at the bathroom. No no no-"

"He's okay."

"Thank the Lord," she says in relief.

"How about we get you out of here?"

"Yes please," she says ripping off the wires and IV's off of her. I help her get off the bed, "I'm fine. The doctor did a good job. I can walk and sit up by myself."

"What ever you say."

Maxon leaves the room so she can change. When she takes off her hospital gown I see the stitches in her lower left side of her abdomen. I flinch and shake my head. It should've been me she didn't deserve this. "Don't blame yourself."

"If I hadn't fallen asleep-"

"Its okay."


Maids bring her some of her clothes. She has a t shirt and sweat pants on. She doesn't have to be dressed up every minute of the day.

"We haven't even told the kids."

"We should tell them."

We walk in our room and all the kids look like they're on pins and needles. Audrey, Claire and Emma are crying. "Thank God you're alive," Audrey says hugging America. "Kenith told me what happened so I told them."

"We all thought you weren't going to make it," Amber says starting to cry in her shoulder. She pats her back and she wipes away the tears. Rose and Gracen are asleep on the bed. They're too young to understand at the moment. She goes and sits on the bed. Each and everyone of them hug her and I and tell us they love both of us.

When she tells them she's tired they rush out to give us some space. I lay on the bed thinking what could've happened. How would everyone be? Would the kids be alright? I stop thinking about the bad and think about how grateful I am for my family.

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