Chapter 34

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America's POV

One week later

I bolt to the bathroom throwing up my guts. Adam runs behind and holds my hair back. I just let it all go. I finally get a breather, "Are you okay?" He asks.

"I don't know. I feel like I just came off of a rollercoaster."

"Maybe I should take you to the doctor."

"I'm fine. If it gets worse tomorrow then we'll go."

I haven't told him I am pregnant. I took the test yesterday night because I hadn't had my monthly cycle. I was positive! I'm trying to be really careful now that a baby is growing in my tummy.

"America are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes I'm fine now."

"Are you-" he stops there because I start to barf in the toilet.

"I'm taking you to the doctor."

"No you're not."

When I start to feel better I go sit on the bed with him.

"Lets take you to a doctor."

"I'm fine."

"No you're not. You could be dying, be sick, have a diese, cancer, an illness-"

"I'm pregnant."

"What!" He launches off the bed and jumps up and down. He starts to kiss me all over, "Are you serious! I'm going to be a dad!" He says with excitement, "wait, I'm going to be a dad," he says more seriously. "America I don't know if I'm ready for this. I could be a terrible father. We don't even have a room prepared. I don't even know where to start. I-"

"Adam you're going to be a great dad, no doubt about it."

"But what if-"

"We would have to be the meanest parents in the world to even you out."

"What is my father going to say?" He says and sighs, "he told me if he ever has grandchildren he wants nothing to do with them."

"Don't worry about it."

"I have to tell him at some point."

"Lets change the topic and lets see what room we want for the baby."

"How about this one," he points to the one on the right. Its right next to ours. We still have five more rooms left. "I think its perfect," I say.

"I think you're perfect."

"I think you're going to be a great dad."

"We're going to be amazing parents," he says hugging me.

"I think so too."

"When are we going to tell people?"

"How about we go tell my family right now."

"Sounds good."

My family moved to Florida (except for Kota) to be closer to me. Mom didn't want to be too far away from me. Adam drives me to their house. I knock on the door, and May answers the door. She squeezes me tight. "You're getting tall," I say. She's up to my shoulders now. "I know I almost look just like you." "Almost but not quite." We walk in the kitchen and mom comes and hugs me.

"Hey I didn't know you were coming. Hey Adam have you been taking care of my girl?" She says hugging Adam.

"Of course."

"So why did ya stop by? Gerad stop kicking the ball against the wall! Come say hi to America!" He comes running from his room and hugs my waist. Then Kenna comes with Astra in her arms. She's toddling now since I've seen her, "Hey little sis,"

"Where's James?"

"He's at the grocery store. We needed more pull ups for this one." She starts to hug me, "I'm going to need your advice on parenting soon," I whisper in her ear.

"WHAT!" she flys back and jumps up and down.

"What happened? Are you okay Ames?"

"I'm pregnant!"

Everyone in the room jumps up and down. James walks in the house, "I feel like I missed something." We all laugh. "America's pregnant."

"What!" He almost drops the groceries. "That's amazing! Good luck with the birthing part. If you're as bad as Kenna I wish Adam good luck. She'll probably rip you're head off."

"Great," Adam says sarcastically.

"Do you guys want to stay for dinner?"

"Sure but we'll be right back. We have to go tell his family."

"Okay. Bye!"

When we're in the car Adam starts to take deep breaths.

"Its okay don't worry."

"I don't know America. When my father told me he wants nothing to do with them he means it."

"I mean he does love you. He's giving you the cafe. That's gotta mean something." I say, He sighs.
We walk up to the front door and Adam knocks, "What do you want? No solicitation!"

"Dad its me, Adam."

"If you want money just come in and take it."

"Dad we just want to come in and talk."

"We, whose we?"

"America and I. Look dad we just want to talk to you. We have some news."

"Did someone die. Just tell them I'll send a card."

"No dad. Can we just come in."

"Fine come in at your own risk."

We walk in the smell of cigarettes fill the house. When we get in the living room he has a big plate of cigarettes and he's rocking in his leather recliner. "What do you want to tell me."

"America and I have some important news but we dont want you to freak out."

"Do you have cancer?"

"No. We are having a baby," he says slowly. His dad just shakes his head. "No. No. No. I told you I don't want anything to do with grandchildren."

"Dad can't you just except the fact that you're going to have grandchildren. Logan has two kids," He must be Adam's other brother than Steve. "And does it look like I care."

"Why do have to be so d*** ignorant! Just except it!"

"I tell you I'm giving you the cafe and this is how you treat me!"

"Whatever. We'll send you a card."

We get out and Adam slams the door to his house. For a while we just sit in the car. "Sorry about my dad."

"Its okay."

"I just want him to except it. Before my mom died he was so happy. That's why he opened the cafe. Now all he does is drink and smoke in that old leather recliner," he says and puts his hands in his face. I pat his back to comfort him.

"Lets just forget about what happened and enjoy the rest of our day."

"Okay," he says.

We spend the rest of the day talking about the baby.

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