Chapter 53

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Maxon's POV

The song changes, I rush to America but a guard swoops her up. I'll dance with her next time. I dance with some random girl I don't even pay attention to her. I see Kenith and Audrey enjoying their dances together. He spins her and they both laugh. I laugh, are they what could've been between America and I. Do they get their happily ever after and I don't? The song is almost over and I have America in my sights. When the song ends I'm the first to get to her, "May I have this dance?" I say offering my hand. "Certainly," she says. She puts her hands around my neck and I wrap mine around her waist.

"Are you enjoying your trip?"

"Yes very much. Its like all the memories came back from the Selection." Does she remember her loving me?

"Even your feelings?" I say softly. She stops dancing for a second. She leads me to an empty hallway. "Yes," she says hugging me. She looks up at me and I kiss her, she kisses back. I miss this feeling. She stops for a second and looks around, then she goes into a random room. She kisses me again. "I miss this," I say.

"I do too."

I kiss her neck and make her breath hitch. "Wait," she says and I pull away, "we need to stop. I can't do this. I've been shoving my feelings for you down in a whole but I've let them lose now. I feel terrible. I shouldn't be doing this," she says and puts her head in her hands. "Its okay America. I just want to tell you one thing and I want you to keep it forever. I love you and always will."

"I love you too," she says. I've been waiting for those words for almost my entire life. My shattered heart has come together and has built an even stronger one for America.

We eventually go back in and luckily no one noticed or I think. The song is the same and we just continue dancing. I smile at her and she smiles at me. "Meet on the roof tomorrow night," I whisper. She nods and holds her necklace tight.

The song changes and we leave each other. Many songs go by and I see Kenith and Audrey always dancing together. Might as well get used to her, she's definitely going to be the future princess.

When there's one song left Adam and America dance. Adam holds her close and America rests her head on his chest. She looks like she might cry in his arms. He kisses the top of her head. She gets tears in her eyes but doesn't let them fall. He whispers something and it makes her smile. I feel like I'm in another Selection with him instead of Aspen, but this one I have to work a lot harder.

When the ball is over I see Marlee go up to America and hug her. She has two kids now. Carter meets Adam for the first time. Gracen walks up to America and so does Rose. She picks both of them up. She finish her conversation and walks to the door with Adam.

That night I dream about America.


The whole day goes by so slow. I wait hours and hours for the night to come. I look at my watch its 1:00 pm. I sigh its only a little after lunch. I try to do work letting time pass, only 30 minutes have passed. I slam my papers on my desk. Then I see a head peek through around my office door.

"Come on in."

"I didn't know if you were busy."

"Its fine just frustrated."

"Last night at the ball I talked to Audrey about marriage."


"She said we need to wait. Its only been about a week and a half. But she did say when we're 19 or 20 we could get married."

"See that's why you talk to people first before you just go for it. Every single one of us you asked they said to wait."

"And I was wondering and still am wondering. Are you in love with Audrey's mom."

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