Chapter 11

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America's POV

Its 7:00 and neither Natalie or Celeste is awake. I watch TV for a little bit and realize I need food. I go to the little cafe near the house that I go to everyday.

When I walk in nobody is there except the cashier whose here every morning. He looks pretty good. He can't be much older than me. His muscles in his whole upper body stick through his shirt. He has chocolate brown hair that sticks up a little and is combed up then down and sky blue eyes that twinkle.

"Welcome to the Cafe how may I serve you?"

"I'll have a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese and a mango smoothie."

"The mango smoothie is my favorite."

He gets my order and I sit at my usual spot in the corner and pull my phone out. Then I hear him walking over and sitting down with me. I don't know what to say. "Yes? May I help you?" He just sits there and stares at me. Finally he does something, he extends his hand for me to shake it.

"The name's Adam."


"You come in here everyday and sit in the same spot everyday."

"Is that a problem?"

"No its just odd."

He stares at me for a while and says, "I'm sorry where are my manners. I shouldn't have just sat down and stared at you. I thought you might have wanted to talk or something." It makes me laugh that he's harsh on himself for sitting and staring. I like his company, so I tell him to sit down.

"How long have you been working here?"

"Since it opened, I'm the manager," he says proudly and sticks his chest up it makes me laugh.

"Do you work?"

"No the monarchies give people who participate in The Selection money."


"I never got my cream cheese."

"Oh sorry," he goes to get it the container is open and he drops it face down on the floor. I burst out laughing and he slaps his forehead. "I'll get you a new one." He comes back with new cream cheese.

"Your smoothie is almost empty. You want another one?"


He comes towards me with the smoothie but doesn't see the wet spot from the cream cheese and slips. The smoothie splashes all over him. He's on his back laughing. I go over to help him up. "Thanks. I guess I need a new shirt," I laugh. He gets a Cafe shirt from the back and comes back. "I think this shirt is done for," he put it in the trash and takes off his shirt. Right in front of me. I try not to stare but its hard to look away from his toned muscles in his chest and arms. He just laughs to himself. I start to blush.

"You probably think I'm a klutz now. Good first impression Adam," he says to himself, I giggle to myself.

"I enjoyed your company today. Call me if you need anything," he says handing me his number. I give him mine.

"I enjoyed yours too. Well I have to go I'll see you tomorrow."


As I get to my car he's waving through the window. I laugh to myself.

When I get home Natalie and Celeste are still asleep. I go and sit and watch TV. My phone starts to vibrate its Adam.




What are you doing?

Nothing much you?

Same. You want to do something later?

Sure. What do you want to do?

Want to go to the park?

Absolutely! I love outside!

Ok I'll pick you up at 2:00. What's your address.

*Private Info*

Ok see you at your house.



I jump up excited to see Adam soon. Then I stop myself and think why am I so excited? Do I like him that much. What about Maxon? No I let him go a long time ago. There is no 'us' between me and Maxon. I let the thought go and return to thinking about Adam.

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