Chapter 38

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America's POV

I think I might explode at any moment. I'm at my ninth month and ready to get him out. My stomach sticks out a lot now. Its very noticeable now. I lay in bed with Adam talking to my stomach.

"Hey there little guy its your daddy," I feel a push against the inside of my stomach. "Ouch! He's strong."

"I can't wait to hold you Mason. We have everything ready for you. Crib, diapers, you name it we have it. I bet your hair is going to be red like mommy's. What do you think mommy."

"I think he's going to look just like you."

"A mini daddy. I-"

I feel a warm liquid go down my leg. "Adam my water broke." He gets up off the bed and runs to get the keys. He only has pajama pants on so he grabs a hoodie and puts it on. "Ahhh! We have to hurry," he shouts. I'm still trying to get to the car but then suddenly stop. A surge of excruciating pain hits me. I groan and hold my stomach. Adam runs up to me and carries me to the car. I'm trying to breathe but am in too much pain. Its my first contraction. "Adam slow down. Its 45 and you're going 75."

"We need to get there quick."

"My contractions are pretty spaced-" I scream in pain again making Adam drive faster. "Are you feeling okay?" I give him a glare, "okay that was a dumb question," he says. I scream in pain again holding my stomach and feeling like I might explode.

He calls somebody.

"Magda?" He has it on speaker.

"No this is your dad."

"Oh sorry I called the wrong number."

"What do you need?"

"Well America is having the baby. You can come if you'd like. Its the main hospital downtown."

His dad hangs up the phone and he calls my mom.


"This is she."

"Hey its Adam. America is having the baby right now. Her water broke."

"Okay I need to head to the hospital. Is it the one downtown?"


"Okay bye."


We get to the hospital surprisingly we didn't get pulled over by a cop. The nurse wheels me in a room.

"America we're going to let you hang out in here until your contractions get closer together."

"Okay thank you."

When the nurses leave Adam pulls up a chair next to the bed. "Are you ready to be parents?"

"Definitely, I'm ready to get him out of me."

He takes a deep breath, "Are you nervous because I'm terrified."

"We'll be okay."

Suddenly a wave of people come in. Mom, May, Gerad, Kenna and James. Of course Kota isn't here. Surprisingly he came to my wedding. "How are you feeling Ames?"

"Like I'm about to explode."

"Good luck with her," James says.

"I'm going to have another grandchild! I'm so excited."

"I'm ready for him to be out."

"Again I wish you luck you'll need it," he says to Adam.

"I-" I scream again but this one is worse than the others. When the contraction is over, I'm breathing heavy and sweaty.

"That's not even the worst part," says Kenna.

"Thanks," I say sarcastically. Gerad and James leave but Adam stays. I see a figure sit down outside of the room. I nudge Adam. He looks shocked to see his dad. He sighs and shakes his head. "Should I go talk to him?" He whispers.

"I don't know-" then a glass shattering scream comes. The contractions are getting closer. The doctor comes in and checks. "Okay I need everyone out of the way. We need to get her to-"

"Get her to where."

"Its okay they can handle his."

"Can we come?"

"No its just her and her husband allowed."

"Where are we going to go?"


"We have to go now."

The doctor wheels me out and I scream. I see Adam's dad jump up against the wall. Adam was going to say something to him but he's to occupied with me. I yell out again. I'm covered in sweat.

They finally get me to the delivery room. "Okay America we need you to give us one big push. Okay?" I nod. I push and scream at the same time. I do that over and over again until she tells me to stop. "I see the baby's head push really hard. He's almost out." I scream but then am relieved. I hear a baby crying and I'm out of breath to say anything. The doctors go wash him off and hand him to Adam. I'm too weak to hold him.

A few minutes go by and they wheel me to my room. Adam's dad is gone. Adam hands me our beautiful boy. He can't open his eyes yet but he has brown little hairs all around his head. "You're going to look just like your daddy," I say. Its amazing how this little person came out of me. "Should we go get your family?"

"Just a couple more minutes."

I craddle Mason in my arms. He's sleeping soundly wrapped up in his blanket. Adam goes and gets my family. They all crowd around me and Mason.

"Let grandma hold him," I hand him to her.

"He's so cute," May says.

"Where's James and Gerad?"

"They didn't want to see something they weren't supposed to if you know what I mean." I laugh. Adam is holding my hand, "I love you," he says kissing my forehead.

"I love too."

"Okay don't start playing kissy face. There's people in the room."

When everyone clears out somebody walks in. Its Adam's dad.

"Hey dad," he says handing me Mason, "what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to come and see my umm grandchild."

"What's the catch?"

"Nothing, I just want to see my grandson," he says quietly.

Adam stares at him, "I think you need to leave." He says pointing to the door.

"I just want to see him," he says calmly.

"When do you want to have anything to do with our child? When did you start caring."

"I know I've been a terrible father and I've realized that. But when you called me and told me she was having the baby. I had to come. I felt a pull to change and be in my grandchildren's lives."

"Dad, its great that you want to change but I need to see it to believe it. I think you should go."

He starts to walk away but stops, "what's his name."

"Mason," I say.

"Perfect name," he says walking out of the room. Wow is all I can say for what I just saw. "Lets go home. I think you need some rest. How about we put his crib in our room tonight?" I nod.

"I think I need to change out of this hospital gown.

"Really? I think that's going to be the new fashion statement." I shake my head. Oh what a family were going to be.

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