Chapter 19

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Maxon's POV

We're all friends now including Kriss after a week. We all go out for dinner to a little restaurant on Main Street. The waitress shows us our table. America sits by Adam of course and I sit across from her. Every time I look at her I flinch knowing what I did to her last week.

"How did you guys meet?" Kriss asks.

"America had been going to the cafe everyday since she was living here," he puts his arm around her and brings her in closer. She snuggles up against his chest, "And then one day I got the guts to sit with her. When I sat down it looked like she was going to rip my head off." I almost spit my drink out and Kriss burst out laughing leaning her head back. "Being me of course I dropped the cream cheese for her bagel. Then of couse I slip on the wet spot with her smoothie in my hand and spilled it all over me."

"That's when I knew you were mine," she smiles and he kisses her forehead, "At least I didn't yell at you unlike the time with somebody here at this table." All eyes go to me.

"At least she didn't knee you in the groin."

"What!" Adam says bursting out laughing.

"It was your thigh."

"Sure," I say.

"I can't believe you were so feisty then. That doesn't seem like you at all. I mean I saw you on TV and all but I thought it was all an act."

"Nope it was the real deal," she says.

"So are you guys going to the outdoor ball next week?" Kriss asks.

"Yeah are you guys going."

"Of course wouldn't miss it for the world," she says in excitement.

"Try not to step on his feet while your dancing. Your feet hurt," I say.

"I told you I was bad," she says looking at Adam. He just smiles to himself.

Our food comes I have a cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, pickles, mayo and ketchup. Kriss has a hotdog with mustard. Adam and America share a small plate of french fries. He grabs one it puts it right in her mouth. She eats it and gives him a quick peck on the lips.

I wish I was him. America and Adam are just perfect for each other but not as perfect as America and I. I just want to run up to her and kiss her, just hold her all day. But that's impossible.

"Do you guys want to go and take a walk on the beach?"


We get up but it takes five minutes to figure out whose paying me or Adam. It ends up being Adam. Why does he always have to one up me?

When we get to the beach Adam picks up America throws her over his shoulder and runs down the beach. He starts to spin around with America. He almost falls in the water and America laughs at him. He throws his jacket and his and America's shoes in the stand. They role up their jeans and walk hand in hand down the beach.

Its late afternoon. I have my arm around Kriss. Adam has America in his arms carrrying her bridal style. Dang why is he so perfect? America kisses his cheek and he puts his forehead against hers and says, "I love you." "I love you too," she says. "Sorry we're being all lovey dovey."

"I think its cute. You two were meant to be."

"That reminds me of something," Adam digs down in his pocket and pulls out a ring. Everything is going in slow motion as he bends down on one knee. "America, my sweet sweet sweet America. I know we've been dating for about a month and a half now but I've fallen head over heels for you. You are the key that unlocks everything good in my life. Your smile makes me want to melt. Your eyes match the soothing ocean waves that surrounds us. You make me feel like I'm walking on water when I'm with you. I have endless emotions about you. I want to see you walk towards me in your wedding dress, I want to enjoy watching the kids play with you, I want to age with you, I want to wake up every morning to your kisses, I want a life with you America. I need you America Singer. I just want you to be mine forever. I will always be yours. Will you make me the happiest man on earth by becoming my wife?"

The word finally comes to her.

"Yes!" She jumps into his arms and kisses his face all over. I hope I'm not showing my internal emotions right now. The ring as three diamonds with a gold band. On the ring it has engraved 'Always his forever' then has a diamond heart inside the band itself. If you look close enough each has two tiny 'A's on the heart. I guess it stands for America and Adam.

My heart shatters, burns and floats away. I will never be with America. But I won't stop loving her.

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