Chapter 3

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America's POV

"Hit me again" I slam my glass on the table for the bartender to fill my glass up again.

"America I don't think you need anymore." Natalie says with concern.

"You don't know what I need," my word are slurring. Dang, I forgot after the fifth beer how much I've had.

"You know what I need," Celeste says, "I need more vodka. Bartender! Fill er' up"

I laugh as my head just swings around. "You guys need to stop. You don't have to drive with crazy nut jobs in the back of your car."

"Oh relax Nat. You come join the fun," I say.

"I'll just stick to my water thank you very much."

"To forgetting," I say as I raise my glass and chug it down, "Celeste how many beers have I had. I know it can't be a lot. I remember it clearly, I'm pretty sure I've only had two."

"Uhhh, three? Four? One?"

"See Natalie nothing to be worried about," I start spinning my head and hit the table. Celeste and I start bursting out with laughter.

After a few minutes some guys sit by us.

"Can I buy you guys some drinks?" One guy says.

"Does it look like my glass is full?"

"Bartender! Get this red head five shots of vodka!"

The bartender brings me the vodka. I glup each down in seconds. I glance over at Celeste and she's dancing on a table with a bottle of vodka in her hand.

"You- Your- Your eyes look pretty," I say.

"Your face looks pretty."

"Awww nobody has said that in a while."

He leans in, his face inches from mine. I'm to drunk to stop him. He kisses me harder and harder. His lips move to my neck. I move my hands to his hair uncontrollably. I don't even know his name. I pull away.

"Hold up a second. I don't even know your name and I'm making out with you."

"Sorry didn't think about that. The name's James." He extends his hand. I shake it weakly. He moves in again kissing my neck. His hands start to move under my shirt. That's where I draw the line even if I'm drunk. I might be drunk but I'm not stupid. I slap him hard. It looks like I left a red hand print on his face. "What was that for!" I can tell he's furious. I feel his anger about to burst, "Let's go Celeste and Natalie! We're leaving!"

I wake up in my bed sensitive to the sunlight coming through my bedroom window. I sit up and my head feels like a truck just hit it. I walk carefully to the kitchen trying not to fall. Celeste and Natalie are sitting down watching TV. "Hey," I say but nobody responds, "hello?" They're glued to the TV, I sit down and see what they think is so intriguing.

"America Singer was caught at a bar making out with this guy. It looks like she's already moved on from our lovely Prince Maxon. That was quick. We'll see you next time."

Celeste quickly tries to turn off the TV but realizes I already saw. "I don't even remember that!" I protest. They both are staring at me. I feel ashamed. Why does my life hate me so much.

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