Chapter 33

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America's POV

After the day filled with reporters we're left alone.

"Hey," I say walking into mini living room in our hotel room.


"Whatcha looking at?"

"Its stuff to do in Paris. I made reservations to eat on the Eiffel tower. Just the two of us tonight." I kiss him on the cheek, "Thank you so much!"

"Anything for you."

"How much money did it cost?"

"I know a guy or two," he says with a smirk, "so I need to talk about something with you."

"Okay," I say nervously.

"My father wants to give the cafe to me. He's getting to old to take care of it and I was wondering if you'd like to come and work with me?"

"Absolutely! I can't believe he gave it to you."

"Yeah I know." I remember him at the wedding. He just sat in his chair the whole time and frowned. I didn't even get a family picture with Adam's side.

"Lets get ready and go sightseeing."

"I love you," I say kissing his cheek.


Everyone looks so dressed up when we get to the Eiffel tower. We have a whole entire level to our selves. There's a white table cloth and roses in the middle. We have a marvelous view of Paris. The stars outside are just icing on the cake. The waitress leads us to our table. Surprisingly there's food already there on the table. Adam pulls a chair out for me and pushes me in.

"This is perfect Adam!"

"Only perfect for you."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

He opens the glass cover over our food. We both have lasagna. We loop our arms together and take a bite. When we pull away I want to shove the whole thing in my face. Adam scarfs his down. When were done eating we gaze at the stars. Fireworks start booming around us. Some are the french flag and others are normal. Then a huge one flys up and burst into letters 'together forever Adam and America'. I start to cry in amazement and love.

"Why do you always make me cry?"

"Because I love you," he says kissing my forehead. The night ends for us and so does our honeymoon.

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