Chapter 51

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America's POV

"Maxon tells me there's a ball tomorrow," I say to Adam. He nods.

"I don't think dances are our thing." The memories rush to me. I remember what happened at the last one.

"I think we'll be fine."

"Have you told the kids?"

"Nope. Speaking of the kids do you think Audrey and Kenith are you know."

"I think they love each other," he says. I laugh to myself and think about the concept of young love.

"If they get married she's going to be a princess."

"Don't you think its weird that you and Maxon were in love but it didn't go too well. Then our kid and his kid fall in love. The weirdest part is that Audrey looks just like you and Kenith looks just like Maxon."

"That is weird."

"So changing the topic what are we going to wear for the ball."

"He told me its a black tie ball."

"So we have to wear black or white or both?"


"I guess your hair doesn't really blend in." I laugh.

"Well we need to tell the kids. KIDS!" They all come rushing in the bedroom.

"We have some good news."

"You're having a baby?"

"What!" Eric says just coming in the room.

"OMG! Another person in our already crowded family," Amber says.

"No we're not having a kid. Do you guys always think that when we have news?"

"Well you say those almost exact words when you told us we were going to be a big brother or sister," Ben says.

"We'll try not to say them but anyways. Maxon is having a black tie ball. So that means we each have to dress in black and white or just one." Emma jumps up and down.

"Can I invite someone?" Mason says.

"Mason and Abigail sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G-" Claire says chanting. Before she can say anything else Mason hits her. She slaps him on the face. He's about to punch her but I yell at them.

"You'll have to run it by Maxon first."


"Wait if he can invite someone can I invite someone?"

"If you want to invite someone you have to ask Maxon or Kriss," Adam says. They all nod.

"So that means we have to get outfits put together. I'm pretty sure if we ask the staff here they can make us all outfits." Emma runs out and heads to her room to plan what she's going to wear. I can tell Audrey is excited but trys to hide it. Mason goes straight to his phone and so does Claire and Amber inviting people. Ben and Eric just go to their rooms. Rose and Gracen are asleep on the bed.

Adam comes with me and we walk around the gardens. "Its beautiful out here. It was and still is my favorite place to go in the palace."

"I think its mine too."

Adam grabs me by the waist and pulls me in close. His lips are inches from mine. Before he can kiss me I run off. "You're going to have to work for a kiss!" I yell. He runs heavily chasing me. I turn a corner and am shielded by a bush taller than me. He can't see me but I can see him. His eyes are searching for me and he turns the opposite way I am. I laugh but then feel a hand touch mine. I grab his shoulders and kick him in his stomach then flip him. He's on the ground rolling on the grass. I take a closer look. I see familiar blonde hair and chocolate eyes. Oops its Maxon.

"I'm so sorry. I thought you were a rebel." He groans in pain on the ground. I help him get up. Then I hear footsteps coming and when the person touches me I flip him too. Wrong person its Adam. Now he's on the floor groaning. Why am I so on edge?

"Oops," I say helping him up.

"Dang that's two guys within five minutes," Maxon says.

"How are you so strong. You just flipped me!" Adam says.

"Never underestimate me," I say smirking.

"I need ice. You probably broke my butt bone," Adam says playfully finally recovering.

"At least you didn't get kicked in the stomach," Maxon says sitting in the grass.

"Sorry. I guess that's the second time I assaulted you."

"Last time hurt a lot more," Maxon says.

"Well at least I know you can defend yourself," Adam says, "and my kiss?" I roll my eyes and kiss him on the cheek.

"I guess that'll do," he says.

"Where's my kiss," Maxon says jokingly. I kiss his cheek. Its just a friendly kiss. "I'm healed!" Maxon says jumping up, we all laugh.

"We should head to dinner."

"Sounds good. Oh and Maxon the kids want to invite some people and I was wondering if that's okay."

"Sounds great. I don't mind one bit."


When we walk in the dining area Kenith is sitting next to Audrey and has his arm around her. They look so cute together.

When dinner comes out I almost just dump the whole plate in my mouth. Adam looks very focused on his food. I look around and see Maxon staring at me. I blush, why am I blushing? Why do I care?

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