Chapter 48

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America's POV

Not a tear came out of me. I just stood their looking around. But then the mood switches from sad to anger once we get in my bedroom. All the kids come in and a furious Emma does too, "YOU JUST HAD TO DO THAT!"

"What?" Audrey says.

"Steal him."


"We all know who it is. Don't act all innocent." I can tell Audrey wants to burst in her face but doesn't. That's a difference between me and her. She's calmer and can maintain her mentle state. Then me on the other hand is so stubborn and can flip on you on a second.

"Fine! Take him I don't want him anyways," Audrey says stomping out of the room. Emma just stares at the floor. Everyone is dead silent. Audrey has never raised her voice in anger before. Which is something I lack.

"Everyone can I speak to Emma privately. " Everyone is quiet when they walk out. Emma stands there with her hands behind her back and looks at the floor. I should yell at her but I don't. I don't say anything. The thing that kills people is when they're waiting for something and are ashamed. I let her soak in the embarrassment and let her be ashamed for her actions. I can tell that she is. "Emma go apologize. If I hear another outburst about Prince Kenith there will be a severe consequence," I say calmly.

"Yes mam," she says walking out.

When she leaves the room Adam turns to me, "Wow, its like they're having their own Selection."

"What I don't want to tell Emma is that Kenith told Maxon he doesn't want a Selection. He's in love with Audrey." Adam just shakes his head. Audrey actually likes him but Emma just goes by looks. Not that I'm picking sides but Audrey deserves to be with Kenith.

Adam ends up falling asleep in the bed with Rose and Gracen. I get up trying to get up slowly but the bed creaks. Gracen shoots up. "Where are you going mommy?"

"Around the palace."

"Can I come?"

"Fine," I say and he grabs his teddy bear. I pick him up and walk to the main floor. "I have to go potty."

"We just left the room."

"Its an emergency." I take him to the bathroom near the women's room and wait. My ear catches two people talking.

"Audrey I know we've only known each other for a few days but I really like you. In fact I think I love you. I know we're only 14 but I can feel it as if I stepped on glass. I love you."

"I love you too." I go around another corner to see what they're doing. Kenith is kissing her and has his hands on her hips. She has her hands resting behind his neck. They kiss for a while. "That was amazing," Audrey says.

"I think so too." They start walking down the halls hand in hand. Aww how cute. I should be more protective but I think its cute. Young love. I can see it now. They're going to get married and I'm going to be stuck with Maxon.

"Mommy?" Shoot, I forgot about Gracen. I run to go and get him but somebody beats me to him. I don't know who it is. It can't be a guard because he has a beard. The man sees me and starts chasing me. Suddenly alarms go off. I hear guards chasing the man whose chasing me. I take a sharp turn but the man catches up to me. He body slams me to the floor. I hear something crack and scream in agony. He laughs. He takes out a knife and lodges it in my leg. Blood starts gushing out, "To bad that you have to die, I think you're kind of pretty." He stabs my abdomen and I scream for help. I already feel weak from blood loss and try to scream. All that comes out is whisper. He holds the knife to my neck. All I think about is Adam and the kids. I love them. I love them. I hope they all know it. He is about to dig to knife in my neck but falls to the floor slinging the knife down the hallway. I see blood splater all over the walls. I try to get up but can't. Someone picks me up and runs. His blue eyes are all I can remember. "Hang in there America. We're almost there." Brown hair. Its Adam. He kisses my forehead, "Stay with me," I feel a tear fall on my face as the darkness starts to consume me. My hands start to shake and cough blood up. "No America! Look at me. Let me see those beautiful eyes." I try to look but they roll away uncontrollably. "America! Don't leave me! I need you. I love you. America!" I try to gasp for air but all I get is blood.

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