Chapter 17

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Maxon's POV

I look over to America and Adam. I've been trying to make her jealous but she never looks at me. They look in love. I sigh wishing I was him and regretting every decision since that day. They must really love each other because they start playing kissy face. Ugh, why do I have to be so stupid. They finally stop, thank God.

America turns and glances at me. Now is my chance to make her jealous. I start to kiss Kriss on and on. I spot in the corner of my eye that America looks away. I stop kissing Kriss. "We should do more of that," she says. I don't say anything. I just look at the sunset ahead of me and try to sneak a peek at what America is doing. Its like she is my glue that puts my heart together.

After a while the sun goes down. America leaves first and then we leave. The only thing I've been saying to America is 'sorry' I need to stop saying sorry and make my move. I sigh with conflict in my head.

"I'm hungry," Kriss says.

"I don't feel like something heavy."

"How about this cafe close by."

"Okay," I glance at America's house her car or his car isn't there. Before we go to the cafe Kriss wants to go to these little shops near by. I don't want to go so I sit in the car.

I can see through the window in the cafe. I see a man and a woman in there. They step closer to each other. He puts his hands on her hips and she pulls him in closer. They start kissing on and on. His lips hungrily, moves to her neck. It makes her breath hitch and she starts to moan. Her hands play with his hair. She pulls off his shirt. His whole body is pure muscles. The hills and valleys in his arms. His chest and stomach is angular defining his muscles. Every time he moves his muscles flex. He picks her up and pushes her up against a wall. She wraps her legs around his muscular torso. His lips kiss all the way up to her lips. His hands un lace the back of her tank top. They let it fall to the floor and he puts her down. She fiddles with his belt on his shorts. He realizes she has trouble and helps take it off. She unzips his shorts and unbuttons them. They fall with the rest of the clothes. He moves his hands lower down her back and rest them on her hips. Again he starts to move his hands all over her but he takes off her little shorts that go to her mid-thy. I want to turn away but I'm just envious, wanting that to be me and America. I wonder if she's doing something like that with her boyfriend. He starts to reach for the back of her bra but she shakes her head no. He nods and stares into her eyes. He pulls her in close by her back. They're skin on skin contact but still have some clothes on. She turns her head my way and he whispering something in her ear that makes her laugh. I take a closer look to see who it is. My jaw drops through the ground, I can't believe my eyes. It- its- its America. I'm infuriated I march in there.

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