Chapter 10

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Maxon's POV

I wake up to see Kriss in my arms. I need to get over America. Kriss never found out the truth about why I left so abruptly. I told her it was to observe our communities and see how they are living. Luckily she bought it.

Its been a month since i left America. I still miss her dearly. I want to wake up to her in the mornings, I want her to sing to me, I want to kiss her all over, I need her. She made it pretty clear that she doesn't want to be with me but I will always want to be with her no matter what.

"Good morning," Kriss says as she flips over to face me in the bed.

"Good morning my dear."

"I love it when you call me my dear."

"America doesn't," I mumble.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing," good thing she didn't hear that.

"What do you want to do today?"

"I have to do work as always," showing a frowny face, "I need to go get ready."

"Love you," she says sitting up to kiss me. I kiss her back, "Love you too."

I get ready for another day of meetings. Maybe I should take the day off and spend it with Kriss. If I can't be with America might as well spend it with Kriss. I knock on her office door, "Come in," she says sweetly.

"Hey I took the day off so we could spend so time together."

"What on earth did you do with Maxon? You never take off of work even if you're sick."

I would take off a lot if I was with America.

"I don't know it just seems we need to spend more time together."

"Okay what do you want to do?"

"You want to go on a walk in the gardens."

"It would be my pleasure."

I offer her my arm and she takes it. As we're walking down the stairs I pass Marlee. I wonder if she knows what America is up to. How she is, if she has a boyfriend. We reach the doors to the garden. The sweet Angles air hits us. "The rebels haven't attacked lately its odd," Kriss says.

"Hmmm that is odd."

"I hope they're not planning something big."


"What did your father say about you leaving last month?"

"He said he didn't 'appreciate my actions' and that I should know better," what I didnt tell her was that he canned me again. Kriss doesn't even know that he beats me.

"What was it like when you were younger? Being raised in the palace?"

She starts to sit on America and I's bench but I stop her.

"Lets keep walking. Being raised to be the perfect image was stressful. My father was and still always yelling at me, which caused our relationship now. My mom on the other hand is loving, caring, nurturing and all the good in the world."

"That's what I sort of expected. Its still like that. Your dad yells and your mom loves."

"Yeah I'm used to it now."

"What should we do after this?"

"I was thinking maybe we could have a picnic."

"Sounds spectacular," she leans in to kiss me. Our kiss doesn't have a spark or something special, its just a kiss.

Maids bring out the blanket and food. I notice one of them is Lucy, America's old maid. "Thank you," Kriss says, "stop it," she whispers and slaps my hand.


"Stop staring at the maid."


"That's America's old maid."

"Yeah her name's Lucy. I saw her all the time when I went to go visit her."

"Lets stop talking about America," she said changing the subject.

The maids packed various types of sandwiches, water, and chips. I start to open the basket when Kriss starts giggling, "What's so funny?" I say playfully. "There's lady bugs all over your arm." I look down and see seven lady bugs crawling up and down my arm. Their backs remind me of America's hair. I try to swat them away but they fly away.

The day passes quickly and I still miss America and always will.

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