Imagine #1

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imagine being in the sandlot and your in the scene were the guys decide on playing baseball or going to the pool and they decide on the pool and you did also. You were also benny "the jet" Rodriguez girlfriend :))

     You were at the sandlot with the guys waiting for yeah-yeah and squints to return from Vincent's drug store to bring a baseball. You finally notice yeah-yeah dragging squints to the dugout. " Where have you guys been we've been waiting here forever already" you said all frustrated from how hot it was outside and you wanted to play baseball already. "Aww squints was perving a dish" said yeah-yeah while handing you the baseball. You felt a hand placed on your shoulder and turn to see benny staring down at you. " Dude, ( y/n ) calm down we have time to play". You were so frustrated you didn't notice that you snapped at benny. " Speak for your self "dude" you told me that they were taking forever and they were so stupid they got lost " you said all offensive and mad. All the guys ooh'd and benny put his hand's up in defense. " Shut up I wasn't" said squints walking to the dugout. "Yeah-yeah you were, your tongue was hanging out of your head and you were sweating "Oh Wendy Preffercorn, my darling, lover girl" said yeah-yeah mocking squints. " I said shut up!, I've got a lot of things on my mind!" said squints turning to yeah-yeah then turning back to sit down on the bench and grabbing a coca-cola. You turned and walked up next to benny.

" This pop isn't working benny, I'M BAKING LIKE A TOASTED CHEESER IT'S SO HOT HERE!" said ham slamming his fist in the air. You and benny turned to the guys that were all sitting down in the dugout. "It's 150 degrees out there, you can't play baseball ,you have to call it for the day!". All the guys agreed with squints and nodded and said that we had to listen to him. Of course you were fine because you were wearing jeans, white tucked in shirt, and your PF flyers your parents got you for your birthday or last years Christmas. You and benny gave each other a look of what you guys were going to do. " Vote then anybody who want's to be a can't hacked panty waste who wears there mommas bra raise there hand?" benny asked and all the guys nodded and agreed except for you and benny "Fine, fine be like that, so what are we going to do?" asked benny shrugging his shoulders in a questioned way. "OHHHH OHHHH" said yeah-yeah looking at all the guys who knew what he meant. " SCAM POOL HONEYS!". You were so disgusted by them and rolled your eyes thinking how stupid they'd if a girl said hi to them, they'd pee there pants. You noticed all the guys eye's were on you and you turned and looked up to see benny already looking at you

" WHAT!??" you asked all confused and frustrated from the time they were wasting. "So what do you want to do go to the pool or play ball?" asked benny waiting for an answer. "Ok first you guys are gross, second i wanted to play ball but it is hot out here, and last maybe we should take a break from this baseball thing so ya, why not" you said while smiling at all the guys and turning to benny who was already smiling at you, "YEAH WHOOO!" said the guys running up to hug you. "OK, ok let my girlfriend go!" said benny getting all jealous.

Once, you left home from getting your stuff you ran up to benny's porch who was already coming out of his house. " Ready?" asked benny wrapping his arm around your waist. "Ready" you said while smiling at him and starting to walk to the pool. You made it to the pool and you were in the girls locker room changing into your bathing suit. Once you were finished, you walked out of the locker rooms to find your self a place to put your stuff down, out side. You took your clothes off and turned to see benny already staring at you. You rolled your eyes while smiling and walking up to the edge of the pool and jumped off the edge to find your self fall into the cold water. Once you were up the surface of the water you saw all the boys looking at you but they quickly looked away and turned there attention to Wendy Preffercorn the lifeguard, except for benny who carried you up from the water and back down with him. When you came back up to the surface you laughed at the thought of what happened. You notice squints in the deep end on the diving board. You jumped out of the pool and over heard the guys talking. "What's wrong with him?" asked smalls not knowing what's up with squints. "What's he doing?" asked ham not knowing either. "Every summer's of this I think he finally snapped" said Kenny knowing what's going on. "I don't know, but that's the deep end and squints can't swim" said yeah-yeah. When you heard that, your eyes widened when you knew what squints was about to do was going to be stupid.

You ran out of the pool and heard benny call your name. " ( y/n ) were you going?". "I'm going to stop our friend from jumping" you said yelling back. You heard a splash and turned to see that squints jumped in already, you ran towards the diving board near the deep end. All the guys ran up to you to see if squints was okay once Wendy saved his life from drowning. You and all the guys were telling squints to wake up. " oh gosh he looks like a dead fish" said Bertram. You looked at squints hoping for him to wake up when you notice he did. He grinned at you and the guys and everyone was shocked and confused. Wendy  went for her last C.P.R to give
squints till he pressed her into a kiss. "Little pervert!" said Wendy pissed. "Oh, man he's in deep shit!" you over heard tommy say in shock. Wendy grabbed squints and started pulling him out of the pool with the guys following. You grabbed your stuff and ran to catch up to them. You noticed the guys putting there clothes and shoes on without drying them self. You decided to dry first then put your shirt and shorts on with your bathing suit under your clothes. You ran up next to benny who was waiting for and he wrapped his around you and walked you home.

This is the bathing suit you woreHope you liked my second book and I always wanted to make an imagine book for the sandlot because well I'm in love with mike Vitar

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This is the bathing suit you wore
Hope you liked my second book and I always wanted to make an imagine book for the sandlot because well I'm in love with mike Vitar

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