Imagine #5

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Imagine being in the scene when the guys do a camp out and your boyfriend was benny. It was your first time ever sleeping with benny.

IT was around 8:00 a.m when the guy's decided on doing a camp out to tell the story of the beast to smalls. You where walking to the timmin's house that night. You had your sleeping bag, pajama's, tooth brush, and chocolate because ham was going to make smores that night. You over heard someone call your name across the street from where you live. You turneed to see benny, byfriend, call you out. "( y/n )! what up" said benny running up towards you. "Hey, Benny"  you said turning to his attention. "You know I don't like it when you walk alone to places" said benny. "Ok?" You laughed. He grabbed your hand and started to lead the way.

---( At the timmins house)

*ding dong*

"Hey, benny man come on in and I've seen you brought ( y/n ), we'll hello there my lady" said timmy bowing his head to let you in and say hi to you. "Hey, timmy how's it going" you said laughing at him while walking inside with benny's hand attached to your's. "Hey where's the tree house" said benny turning to timmy's attention. "Where it's always been, Benny boy" you said between laughs. "Haha, very funny" said benny sarcastic. "I'm sorry, honey" you said kissing his cheek. "We'll since you guy's are the first one's here, make your selfs at home while me and tommy set up the camp house" said timmy walking out to the backyard. "We'll I'm going to change, before you leave can you show me to the bathroom pls." you said to timmy. Timmy walked up to you and lead you to the bathroom. While you were changing, benny was helping timmy and tommy set up. After changing you walked out of the bathroom and realized no one was in the house so you just went up to the tree house. You grabbed your stuff and started climbing up to the tree house. All the guy's were already there, except for smalls. "Hey, ( y/n ) you finally showed up" said ham looking up at you from where you were standing. "Shut up ham, she's been her before you came and she came with me" said benny. "We'll I'm sorry ( y/n )" said ham being sarcastic. "Come on ( y/n ) I found a spot for you" said benny leading you to your sleeping bag. "Aww, amor you want me to sleep next to you" you said putting your stuff down. "Ya it's very crowded her" said benny shrugging his shoulder. "Ohh, hmm" you laughed. "GET A ROOM YOU TWO" said squints. "Hey guy's, sorry I'm late, my mom made me put on my jacket and then she made me do the dishes" said smalls walking into the tree house sitting in front of ham. You turned to your attention to smalls. "Oh, your poor little mommy made you do the big fat dishes" said betram with a baby voice. "Leave him alone bertram" you said socking his arm playfully. "Hey, you wanna s'more" said ham. "Some more what" said smalls confused. "No, no, you want a s'more" said ham pointing at the s'mores. "I haven't had anythingyet so how can I have some more of nothing" said smalls still confused. "Your killing me smalls" said ham unbelievable at what smalls said. While ham was explaining to smalls what a s'mores was you and benny started to set up your sleeping bag and you also grabbed on of benny's shirt and put it on top of your under shirt. "These are s'mores stuff okay pay attention" said ham showing smalls the s'mores stuff. "First you take the graham, you stick the chocolate on the graham, then you roast the mallow, when the mallows flaming" siad ham blowing on the marshmallow. Benny was already laying down next to you with his bat. He can never let go of that thing. You and his fingers were interwinding. You and benny watched as ham demonstrated smalls on how to make a s'mores. "You stick it on the chocolate, then you cover it with the other end, then you stuff, pretty messy but good, try some" said ham stuffing his face with the s'mores and passing it to smalls. All the guy's asked for a s'mores. You didn't trust ham making one for you so you got up and went to make yourself one. "Where you going" said benny grabbing your hand. "Chill benny boy, I'm just going to make myself a s'mores, you want one" you said turning to his attention. "No thanks" he said letting go of your grip. After coming back from making your s'mores you joined benny, ham, and smalls little convo. "Hey, what'd I miss" you said sitting next to benny. "Nothing important just about baseball" said benny. "Okay, quiet you guy's' said squints. No one listened but you. "Quiet, are you trying to wake it up" said squints again. You pocked benny and pointed at squints to give him the signal of shutting up. "It just went to bed" said squints yelling queitly. "What just wen to bed" said smalls confused. All the guy's resonded the beast but queitly. "OH YEAH!" said smalls loudly.  All the guy's smacked smalls and you saw benny also hit him. He can be a jerk at time's you said to yourself rolling your eyes. As squints started to tell the story you snuggled next to Benny's side. Laying your head on his shoulder.

-----( End of the story about The Beast)

"See man that's why you can't go over there, nobody ever has and nobody ever will" said bertram making it clear to smalls. "One kid did and nobody ever seen him again" said ham. "That ain't true" said kenny. "Ya it is, he got eaten" said ham taking a bit of his s'mores. "Nuh oh, no,nun of that's true you guy's are just making this up to scare me" said smalls putting his sleepingv bag in his side. "Oh yeah, stick your head out that window and look down" said squits jumping down from where he sat and pointed at the window. All the guy's started to scoot away as smalls got up and walked up to the window. You grabbed benny's bat just in case if anything jumped out of that window. After, smalls looked down that window he whispered. "He's down there" said smalls pointing out the window. "I bet he is" said squints not frightened. "What ever goes over that fence *takes a deep exhale breath* stay's there"

said ham holding his bat. "Becomes the property of the beast, forever" said squints with his shot gun. "Okay, we'll I'm going to bed and guy's try not to scare the kid half to death, alright" you said getting up from benny's grip and going to your sleeping bag. "I'm not scared and I have a name" said smalls sitting down. "Sure you are and sure you do, night guy's" you said starting to lay down on your sleeping bag.

-----( Morning 8:30)

"Guy's shut up, you're going to wake them up" said squints. All morning and night you heard the guy's talking but you tried to ignore it. "Yeah-yeah stop you're just going to wake benny up the most" said smalls. You sarted to snuggle into something warm and cuddly. You realized it was benny's chest. You woke up in shock and looked at the guy's who were staring at you. "WHAT!" you said pissed off because they keept making noise all morning and night. You felt benny start to move. "Hey, what's wrong" said benny with a raspy voice still waking up. "These little dwebs were talking all night and morning which woke me up" You said turning to benny's attention. "Sorry ( y/n ) we didn't mean to wake up your little slubber with benny, here" said ham pointing at you and benny. "We'll i'll forgive for now but the next time it happens, you'll never want to sleep again" you said in a deep dark tone and getting up to leave the tree house. "Where you going" said the guy's except for benny who was half asleep. "I'm going to change and brush my teeth, if that's okay with timmy" you said looking at timmy. "Sure go ahead" said timmy. Before you left the tree house you walked up to benny and ruffled his hair to keep him half awake. You grabbed your bag that was next to benny and started to walk down to the timmin's house. Timmy and tommy's parents where not home for the week because they were left out of town to a working shift. After changing and brushing your teeth, you walked out of the bathroom to see all the guy's sitting in the living roomwatching TV. You walked into the kitchen to see smalls and benny making breakfast. Benny is such a man. "Hey, there's my sleeping beauty" said benny kissing your forehead. "What are you doing" you said walking up next to him near the stove. "We'll me and smalls are trying to make pancakes, but they always come out burned our to liquidy" said benny dumping the third pancake in the trash. "Your doing it wrong, here let me help" you said taking the spachulla away from benny's hand. "First you put the butter, then you pour the batter, after that you leave it there untill bubbles start to show up in the edges of the pancakes, then, you flip it and you leave it there for about 50 seconds" you said while demonstrating all of that to benny. "WOW, I didn't know you could cook" said benny in suprise. "Well when you have a helping, lovable, mom you would know" you said placing the pancake on a plate. "Who want's pancake's!" you said yelling out to the guy's. "You wanna take it from here chef Gordon" said benny laughing and kissing your cheek. "Si pls. mi amor" you said making another pancake. (Yes please my love).

Hope you liked this imagine and I did make this in 2 day and a half. Any suggestion on my next imagine please care to comment. Sorry I haven't also posted for rebel I'm still working on it so ya ummmm... byyeee!!✨💕


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