Imagine #6

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Imagine being the new kid on the block with the sandlot kids. You lived across from Benny's house and right next door to smalls. You were a big fan of babe Ruth and you were totally a tomboy. You started to get close with the guys and get along with Benny.

A/N I wrote this on 5-26-17 and sorry I didn't publish it sooner because I was at a camping ground and there, of course, was no serves or wi-fi I guess

"Mom are we there yet" you said impatient. "We're only a few blocks away, sweety, be patient pls" your mom said looking at the mirror that reflected your face. You moved here in L.A. because your mom wanted to start a new life since your father left you and your mother. You didn't feel very comfortable moving out here in the big city because back home from where you lived was very cruel and damp. As you arrived at your new home, you saw a boy just around your age who also was wearing the same shoes that you had on, walking right across from where you were going to live. You notice that he liked baseball because you saw him with a bat, ball, dodgers cap, PF flyers and a beige shirt. As you got of your car you notice that he was walking towards the u-haul truck that was loaded with your stuff and your mom's. "Hi I'm Benny, are you guys moving into this house?" said Benny pointing towards your new home. "Yup, this is we're  living for now on" you said looking at the ground then up to Benny. "What's your name" said Benny. "My name is ( y/n )... (y/l/n)" you said running your hand through your hair. "Well hello there (y/l-" said Benny, but before he could say any thing your
heard your mother call you. "Mija, come help unload and fix your room" said your mom walking into your new home with 3 boxes in her hands. "You need some help" said Benny offering to help you. "Sure,umm, can you help grad those two boxes pls" you said pointing at the boxes that had your name on them. After, unloading the rest of the boxes, Benny was up in your room looking at all your stuff. "So you like baseball" said Benny turning to your attention while holding a baseball and a trophy. "Yup, I played softball for a year, in downtown" you said walking up towards him and grading your trophy. You placed it on a shelf next to your window that appeared to be your next door neighbors window. "So who lives next to me?" you said turning to him, from next to the window. "One of my known best friend his names Scotty smalls" said Benny looking through everything else in your box. He pulled something out of the box, it was a frame of your dad and you. "Who's this" said Benny looking at the picture. "Umm, that's my dad" you said looking out the window. You felt your eyes watery, you tried so hard not to cry. "Where is he" said Benny. "He..he.. left my mom and I when I was just 10, he left my mom for another women" you said sniffing from the tears and turning to face Benny. You walked up to him and took the frame out of his hand and placed it on your shelf next to your trophy. "Sorry" said Benny mumbling. "It's you like baseball" you said trying to change the subject. "Ya, I play with my friends very summer at 8:00" said Benny looking at you. "Cool" you said starting to unpack. "Hey you should come by some day and check it out" said Benny suggesting. You rolled up a poster of babe Ruth while talking. "Cool, what time should I be there and where will it be at" you said while placing the poster on the wall on top of your bed. "At 8:00 and I'll just wait for you outside your house, I'll also walk you there, we call it the sandlot" said Benny looking at the babe Ruth poster. "Ok great, umm, well I should get unpacking here" you said to Benny. "Oh, umm, ya I'll just wait for you tomorrow" said Benny walking out of your room. "Bye" you said yelling. After unpacking, you looked out of your window and wondered how it would be if your father was here. You noticed Benny walking out of hi house and up towards your porch. You ran down stairs and opened the door once he nocked. "Hi" you said to Benny folding your arms over your chest. "Hey you got here faster then I expected" said Benny chuckling. "What you here for, forgot your bat" you said looking at him. "I forgot you" said Benny laughing. You blushed at what he said. "What does that mean" you said looking at the ground to hide the blushing. "I forgot to say that we also play all day, so do you want to play with us... you can play right" said Benny. "Yes I can play and I'll be right back" you said closing the door to grad your glove. You walked out of your house to see, Benny sitting on the steps waiting. "Hey, sin hogar, let's go" you said waking up next to him. "Don't call me homeless and we should go the guys are waiting" said Benny walking off. "SO YOJ DO UNDERSTAND SPANISH" you said yelling so he could hear you. After walking around the block that Benny gave you of a tour, you guys entered Vincent's drug store then out from the back. All the guys we're all sitting down. "Hey, guys this is (y/n/l/n)" said Benny pointing at you. You spit on the floor to look tough and you really were. "Hey guys, that I'll hope to get along with and know" you said staring at them. It was awkward for a moment there. "Ya, well, (y/n) just moved here" said Benny trying to break the silence. "(Y/n) thats Timmy and tommy Timmons , mike squints palladors, we call him by his middle name, Alan McLennan, we call him yeah-yeah, Bertram grebes, Kenny be Nunez, Hamilton porter, we call him ham, and Scotty smalls" said Benny pointing at everyone. No one bothered  to say hi, excepted for smalls. "Well that's a lot of names I'll never remember" you said to Benny and the guys. "Well she's going to play with us and don't worry SHE knows how to play" said Benny. All of the guys including you were already at the sandlot walking to home plate. You were walking behind all of them, because well there guys and they like talking about girls and other things boys talk about, you were walking next to smalls. It was an awkward silence. "So you like baseball" said smalls breaking the silence. "Totally, my dad taught me how to play, then I played softball for a year but it didn't work out cause it felt too girly, so I decided on only playing baseball" you said looking at the ground then up at smalls. "Cool, you know, Benny taught me to play except for my step dad, he-he wasn't very that helpful he actually hit me with a baseball at me eye it was an accident, but your very lucky to have dad that's there for you" said smalls looking at you. "Your right I am very-very lu-lucky" you said not trying to cry. "Hey, ( y/n ) you'll be batting with me and smalls take left field like always" said Benny interrupting our conversation. "Umm, sure thing" you said walking to home base. "BATTY UP!" said ham squatting in catcher position. "Your shoes untied" said ham trying to distract you. "You don't foul me" you said not bothering to look at you shoes. You hit the baseball all the way to left field, were smalls was standing. You ran as fast as ever. Smalls through the ball to Bertram who was too late to tag you because you were between third and second base. You kept running not caring about the ball. Bertram passed the ball to yeah-yeah who through it to ham. He was also late because you made it home. Everyone was in shock. Especially Benny, he's eyes were as wide as can be and his jaw was dropped half way. "What" you said uncomfortable at all the guys staring at you. "WOW YOUR AMAZING ( Y/N ) I CAN JUST...!" said Benny running up to you and hugging you. You hugged back without refusing. "Hum"  said de Nunez breaking the moment. "Oh, heh, let's play ball?!" you said not making it any more weirder than it has been. After playing ball for 6 hours straight, it was only you and Benny left since smalls already walked into his house. "Goodnight ( y/n ) see you tomorrow at 8:00" said Benny in a questionable voice. "Yes señor Rodriguez" you said walking backwards while tipping your hat to face Benny. Benny chuckles and walked into his house. You walked into your home with only one thing on your mind and it was that you caught feelings for Benny and that you were starting a brand new life without your dad anymore.

Hope you enjoyed this and again sorry I didn't post this soon because of camping grounds and etc... I will be making a part two for this chapter to see how it goes with you and Benny and pls leave any suggestions for part two if this 6th imagine
Okay then ummm... bbbyyyeee💕😋

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