Chapter 1

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//I just want to apologize in beforehand IF the characters is a bit out of character. I might have changed them or not visualized their personality as you. Also I do NOT own any of these characters, I only own the plot. 

ALSO, there seems to be some confusion as to what age the characters are. (Y/n), Kyle and the others are all about 18 years old. I thought that was given as this is a lovestory with some not-so-childfriendly-themes, but I thought I'd clear things up to prevent future confusion!!

Now, let's start shall we?//

"(Y/n)! Can you get the last box for mom and dad?" I shrugged as I went to get the last box from the car. The wind was cold, It didn't remind me of home at all. I took a moment to look around. Our new house wasn't that big, but it definitely wasn't small. It was perfect for me, mom and dad. "(Y/n), what's taking you so long?" The deep voice, belonging to my dad startled me slightly, making me jump a bit. I decided to walk back in before anyone would see me, thinking I was some weirdo just standing there.

"I'm sorry, I spaced out." I explained as I put the box down. "No problem sweet pea. Dad and I will start fixing in the kitchen, so why don't you go up and start to fix your room?" I nodded, hurrying up to the room which I would live in from now on. The walls where gray, no poster marks on them what so ever. The floor was just plain old brown planks wich reflected the sunlight comming from the small window at the end of the room. I walked over to it, opening it to let in a cool wave of air into the room. "Well, I should give this room some character..." I started to unpack all of my stuff, moving furniture into the right spot, putting posters on the walls, putting all of my clothes in the wardrobe. And before I knew it, I was done."Well, that should-"

"You stupid Jew!" The sudden yelling coming from outside the window startled me. "Well... You're fat!" I started to make my way towards the window. "But you're a stupid Jew with a bitch as a mom!" It didn't take me long to find out where the yelling came from. There was a group of guys outside the green house on the opposite side on the road. There was a guy with a brown jacket and a blue, red hat with black hair sticking out by the sides. One with an orange coat and blonde hair, one a bit bigger than the other guys, he had a red jacket, a yellow and blue hat and brown hair. The last one had an orange jacket and a green winter hat, he had red curly hair sticking out from under the hat.

"You're still a fatass Cartman, and don't call my mother a bitch." The red haired guy said to the bigger guy. They seemed to be around my age. I rested my head on the window frame, looking at them as they went on and on about how the red haired boy was a Jew, and how the brown haired boy was fat. "Man, I can't do this. This is so immature." The jewish boy turned around, somehow getting eye contact with me. I tilted my head as he just continued to stare at me. He was quite pale. And the little bit of hair, sticking out from the bottom of his hat made his green eyes pop. I couldn't help but blush a bit, he was really handsome. "Hey Kyle, what're you staring at?" "N-Nothing." He turned around, looking back at his group of friends. "Well, I should get going, it's getting late." The black haired boy then said, making the other three guys nod in agreement. "Yeah, see you guys tomorrow." They all left, except the jewish guy, he stood there, waving all of the guys goodbye.

A strong gust of air caught me of guard, somehow making me fall back onto the floor. "Son of a-" I stood up, hurrying over to the window again, but he was gone. I let out a sigh before closing the window, checking the time on my phone. "It's quite late, and I've got school towmorrow... I should go to sleep." I changed into a (F/C) shirt with a pair of black shorts before going to sleep.

Time skip

I woke up to the sound of that stupid alarm of mine. "Two more minutes!" I turned around, putting the pillow over my head, about to fall asleep again before- "Sweetie pie! Come on, you have school." I let out a loud sigh as I rolled over, falling of the bed. "Chicken nuggets." I stood up, walking over to my warobe to get some clothes. I picked a gray crop top hoodie, black skinny jeans and a pair of shoes. I put them on before putting on a bit of makeup and brushing my (h/c) hair. "I know, I'm done!" I hurried down the stairs, almost tripping on my way down. "What time is it?" My mom checked her phone before answering. "You start in 10 minutes." My eyes widen before I raced out the door. "I don't have time for breakfast, Love you. See you later!" I ran all the way to school, not even stopping once.

I checked the time on my phone when I walked into the school. "3 minutes until we start." I took a deep breath as I walked in the halls, feeling all of the eyes on me. "Do I have something on my face?" I looked down at the floor, trying not to get everyone's attention as I made my way to the school counselor's office. I was about to open the door when the door opened by itself, revealing a skinny man with glasses. "Oh, you must be the new student, (Y/n), M'kay?" I nodded as he stepped out of the office. "Let me show you around, M'kay." He started showing me around, but he said M'kay a lot so it distracted me. "Okay so this is you class, M'kay. If you got any questions just ask me or any students in your class, M'kay." He then walked away, leaving me in front of a door.

"Well that's just great, I thought he would at least introduce me."

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