Chapter 6

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"Well... You'll be living together in their house..."

My eyes widen as my heart started to race. "We trust that our little Kyle won't do anything bad to beautiful little (Y/n), he's so kind and behaves so good." I looked at the woman then back at my mom. "Can't we just come with you?" Dad scratched the back of his neck. "Well... we've already booked the tickets and we... We just thought you wouldn't like to come." All of the parents then nodded, agreeing. "And why can't I just stay at home and she stay over here?" Kyle's dad then shook his head. "We trust you Kyle, but we do not trust your friends... (Y/n) will be there to make sure you don't make the wrong decisions." I then sighed. "And we'll only be gone for a month..." My eyes then shot open, staring at my parents. "A whole month!?" They nodded. "Your mom and I'll send you some money for food and stuff, you'll have to buy it yourselves though." Both Kyle and I let out a sigh. "And when do you leave?" "In 30 minutes." I sighed for the third time, letting out a small "of course"

Time skip

I let out a sigh as I waved them goodbye, standing on the stairs to Kyle's house. "Well, should I show you your room?" I turned around, feeling my heart jump as I met his green eyes. "Yeah, sure..." He walked inside as I followed him, looking back before closing the door. "You'll sleep in Ike's room. It's upstairs, facing mine." He explained as we made our way upstairs. He opened a door to the left when we'd made our way up the stairs, revealing a room with blue walls. "Well... this is it. And as I said, the room facing this is mine if you need anything..." I nodded as I stepped into the room, placing my bags on the floor. "We'll eat in 15, you can unpack if you want until then." I nodded once again as Kyle walked out of the room. I began to unpack my clothes, makeup and some other stuff I had.

After I was done putting all of the stuff in place, giving the room at least some character I walked down the stairs to find Kyle on the phone. He then hung up, turning towards me. "I just ordered some pizza, I hope you don't mind (favorite/pizza)" I then shook my head, smiling slightly. "No, that's my favorite." He then smiled back, making my heart flutter. He was about to say something as his phone rang. "Hello?" I watched him as he talked in the phone. He then sighed, face palming when he heard the voice. "Yes, I'm sure that I can't hang out... Yes... The whole weekend." I shrugged as he kept on talking to the person. I shrugged once again before walking into the kitchen, taking a glass of water. "Man..." I looked back at Kyle as he entered the kitchen. "Who was it?" He looked up at me before massaging his temples slightly. "Bebe... she was-" My eyes widen as I remembered Nichole's words.

"Bebe likes Kyle" "It won't end good if you go out with Kyle"

"-/n)? (Y/n)?" I blinked a few times as I snapped out of my thoughts. "What's wrong? You spaced out." I hesitated as I opened my mouth, not quite sure what to say. *RING* "Oh, the pizza's here. Better go and get it." I let out a chuckle before going to get the pizza. I payed the guy, giving him some tip for saving me before walking into the kitchen to Kyle. "Well, I was thinking that maybe we could watch a movie or something after eating." I nodded as I took a bite from the pizza, smiling as the taste of (fav/pizza's topping) hit my tongue. My thoughts were interrupted by the thought of Nichole this morning. What did she mean by 'It won't end good.' What do she know? I looked at Kyle, at his red hair and his green eyes. I took my glass, not thinking of the fact that I was staring at him. "H-Hey, why're you staring at me like that? Do I have something on my face?" I shook my head while reaching for the cola, about to fill my glass up. "No, it's just that your eyes-" My eyes widen as I realized what I was saying, letting go of the cola bottle, making it spill all over me. "Shit." I looked down at my now wet and sticky clothes before looking at the laughing Kyle. "Well... Where's the bathroom?" I scratched the back of my neck while blushing slightly. "It's upstairs, the door facing the stairs." He took a deep breath before standing up, going to clean up.

I hurried upstairs, into the bathroom. I quickly took my clothes of before taking a shower, making sure to get all the cola of me. When I was done I got out, drying my hair with my hairdryer, drying my body, wiping the makeup of my face before reaching for my clothes. My eyes widen as I realized they I'd forgotten to bring some clothes with me. "Well f#ck, can this day get any worse?" I stood still, trying to hear if Kyle was upstairs or downstairs. I heard the water crane running so I opened the door, hearing voices from downstairs so I quickly walked to my room. I opened the door, bumping into someone causing us both to fall.

Well I guess the day just got worse.

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