Chapter 5

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"For the last time Cartman, shut the fuck up."

Your POV

Time skip

I sighed as I kept on drawing in my notebook. We had biology, the last lesson before lunch and my talk with Nichole. "So class, that was all for today. Remember to read the pages until next lesson." The bell rang and all of the students ran out the door. I made my way towards my locker, putting all of my stuff in it before waiting for Nichole.

"Hey (Y/n)!" I looked up to see my probably closest friend of the girl group. "Hey Nichole, so you wanted to talk?" She nodded before taking my hand, dragging me into the toilet. "This won't take long so we can go to the cafeteria after this." She looked in all of the stalls before walking over to me again. "So, (Y/n). Did you or did you not walk with Kyle home from school yesterday?" I nodded while letting out a small 'did', making Nichole sigh. "Do or do you not have feelings for Kyle?" I immediately felt my face heat up, looking down at the floor. "This isn't good." She massaged her temples as I just stared at her. She's making me nervous. "I'm sorry (Y/n), I know we haven't known each other for more than a day and I like you a lot but... You can't like him." My eyes widen "Wha- Why?" She let out a sigh. "I know, this is so like that one scene from mean girls, but Bebe likes Kyle." She scratched her upper arm, looking at me. "Promise me that you won't go out with him I'm telling you this for your own good, It won't end good if you go out with Kyle..." She then looked down, whispering something. She then looked at me and smirked "You can have anyone, but don't touch my Token nor Wendy's Stan" she then let out a chuckle, causing me to do the same.

"Let's go to the cafeteria." I followed her as we walked out of the toilet, towards the cafeteria. I tried but I couldn't get her words out of my mind. Why wouldn't it end good, and what do she know about that?

"Took you guys long enough."I looked up, seeing Bebe and the girls, realizing that we were in the cafeteria. "Yeah, (Y/n) and I had to talk about some stuff." I nodded, taking a seat. "(Y/n)? Aren't you going to eat anything?" I smiled at Wendy while shaking my head. "I have something to do but I just t-though I would stop by and say hello since we don't have any more classes together in the afternoon." Wendy looked at me, tearing up. "(Y/n)! So sweet!" She threw herself at me, hugging me. "Well goodbye, I'll go now but I'll see you guys next week." I walked out of the cafeteria, feeling as if someone was looking at me the whole time. I walked to my locker, taking my stuff before walking to the lesson.

"Didn't you have some stuff to do?" I jumped by the deep voice, coming from behind me. I turned around, meeting the ocean blue eyes of Craig's "Omg, you just scared the living turd out off me." I put my hand on my chest, trying to calm my heart down. I looked up again. "Yes I do have some stuff to do, I have to walk to the lesson." One of his eyebrows lifted, not seeming impressed by my answer. "What's with the sudden change of attitude?" My eyes widen before I scratched the back of my neck, laughing awkwardly. "Yeah, I'm sorry." I looked down and then up. "Why aren't you eating? Weren't you sitting with Kyle and them?" I looked behind him, trying to see if they were right behind him."I was done so I left." I tilted my head before shrugging. I then looked down at my feet before looking up again, seeing Craig staring intensely at me. "D-do I have something on my face?" Craig shook his head, starting to lean closer.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" I looked behind Craig to meet Kyle's green eyes. "Oh, hi Kyle." I smiled at him as he walked over to us. "So, I wanted to talk about the project..." He looked at Craig, then at me again. "...If you're free." I glanced at Craig before smiling at Kyle. "Y-Yeah, I suppose." Kyle started to walk away, making me follow him, waving Craig goodbye.

"So what is it?" He then turner around, flashing me a smile. "I was just wondering if you'd be able to come over for like an hour today." My eyes widen as my face heat up. I then smiled at him, making sure he'd not see the redness on my face. "Only to work on the project of course" I felt my face heat up even more. "Y-Yeah, of course... When should I come over?" He thought for a bit before scratching the back of his neck. "My parents will go out by 4 and they'll take my brother with them , so I think around 4 will be the best since they'll only disturb us." I then nodded, flashing him a smile back. "Okay, I'll see you then." He nodded, starting to walk away, leaving me alone. I then walked to the lesson, not thinking more about that.

Time skip

When I came home I walked up to my room, changing clothes into a pair of sweatpants and a loose crop top."(Y/n)! Can you come down sweetie?"  I hurried down the stairs to see a woman with big hair, the same gorgeous red color as Kyle, and a man with green gorgeous eyes. A small kid and... Kyle was also there. "What's going on?" I walked the last steps down the stairs before walking over to my parents. "We will go on a small trip with Gerald, Sheila and Ike..." I glanced over at Kyle's parents as mom said that. "Wai- what about me?" I asked, confused. "And me?" I looked at the just as confused Kyle.

"Well... You'll be living  together in their house."

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