Chapter 22

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I widen my eyes as Kyle got closer and closer. I felt my heart beating faster as I realized the situation when Kyle was only a few inches away from my face. "There." My eyes widen even more as I followed Kyle's arm with my gaze, seeing him pick up a small paper behind me. He then moved back to where he sat first before giving me a closed eyed smile. "I dropped it." I flashed him a quick smile while nodding before looking away, trying to calm my racing heart and get the slight blush off my face.

"Well, I have to use the restroom. I'll be right back." I nodded, still not looking at Kyle as he walked away, leaving me there alone. I picked my phone up, flinching as I got a message. "What a timing." I smiled as I opened it. It was from Craig.

Craig- I'm bored.

I let out a small chuckle as I read the message. I couldn't believe that this was the same Craig I met last week.

Me- Well, do something about it :P

I smirked at my response before the thought of it being to b*tchy entered my mind. I began to type another message, only for Craig to respond before I had finished.

Craig- I can't believe you said that :|

Craig- Let's do something tomorrow.

I took a deep breath before smiling again, typing a response.

Me- Yeh sure

"Are you done yet?" I flinched slightly before turning towards Kyle. "Y-Yeah." I stood up before following Kyle as we started to make our way home. As we walked out the door I stopped, quickly looking back. I narrowed my eyes as I saw a shadow by the corner of the building. "You coming?" I jumped, hurrying towards Kyle. "Sorry!"

The walk home was quiet, but not awkward. It was nice in a way, just walking without saying anything. But Kyle opened his mouth to speak as soon as we entered the house. "I can't believe that you were that bad at guitar hero." I looked up at him, smiling as he chuckled slightly. "Well it's hard." I said, shrugging only for him to shake his head. "No it's not that hard once you get the hang of it. Wait here." Kyle then walked off, leaving me in the living room by myself. I took a deep breath before shrugging again, sitting down in the couch. It didn't take long though before I heard Kyle's steps approaching. 

"Here." I looked at Kyle as he walked towards the tv with a  game case and a guitar. "No-" "Yes." I smiled at Kyle as he looked back at me, nodding. I then shook my head, walking up to him. "I assure you that I won't beat the second song." I said, laughing. He then looked at me, shaking his head. "Just try it." He then gave me the guitar before sitting down in the couch. "I guess." I then began, not even playing through half of the song before loosing. "I told yo-" 

My eyes widen as I felt Kyle's presence behind me. He then put his hands on mine, almost embracing me from behind. It was like one of those poses in a romantic movie where the guy's about to teach the girl how to play guitar. "Y-You really shouldn't-" I stopped, taking a deep breath as I tried not to freak out when Kyle pulled me closer to him. "I'm sorry, I just can't see the buttons." I nodded, feeling my  cheeks heat up. "So, let's try this. I'll lead your hand, just relax." We then began playing, it didn't go to well in the beginning but it soon became better.

"86%, not bad." He said as he took a step back. His words caused me to look at him, tilting my head while narrowing my eyes slightly. "Not bad? That's a great score!" He then let out a chuckle. "Yeah sure, but it's only the second song." I scratched the back of my head at his words. "Oh, right. I forgot." I let out an awkward laugh before looking up at him, causing us to lock eyes. I felt my cheeks heat up as I stared into his green eyes. His pale face was covered in a slight blush, and his hair was starting to fall down onto his face, making his green eyes pop just as when I first saw him. He began to lean closer, and I did to. As we got closer and closer a voice in my head began telling me to stop, that this wasn't right.  I just closed my eyes, ignoring it. 

"W-Wait." I opened my eyes when I realized what we were about to do. "I-I'm sorry but I don't think that Bebe would like this since she's your girlfriend, and neither would Craig because we're going out now." I looked up at Kyle's wide eyes. They shone of confusion at first, but it changed into betrayal. "What?" He backed away from me, laughing slightly. "First of all, me and Bebe a couple? Where'd you get that from?" I raised my eyebrows as he said that. "What? She told me that-" "-Well we're not. And you and Craig huh?" I swallowed. I didn't know why but it didn't feel good telling Kyle about it.

"B-But I thought you and Bebe was a couple, she told me that-" "You could've just asked me you know." He looked down, smiling. "Cartman was right, and Stan was wrong. So wrong." He looked up at me and his face reminded me of a face I hadn't seen in a long time.  "Is it that I'm a jew? Is it that I'm not tough enough? Or is it my looks?" My eyes widen at his words. "None of that, nothing's wrong with you... I actually think I lik-" He shook his head, turning away. "Why didn't you tell me?" I shrugged as he looked back at me, causing him to sigh. "You liked him all along right? When we had to share the mattress, when we watched that movie together, when you slept on my chest." I shook my head, tearing up as he said those things. "N-No-"  "-You don't have to answer what I asked you, I can't handle more lies." 

He then walked up the stairs, causing the tears to fall from my face. I don't know why but it hurt, those words hurt so much. If Bebe hadn't done those things then I wouldn't have- I then shook my head. "W-What's wrong with you? D-Don't blame this on Bebe, this is your fa-" My voice cracked as I inhaled sharply, feeling even more tears fall down my face. I then stopped, taking a deep breath. My eyes then widen as I thought back on the scene. Kyle's face, I realized where I'd seen it before.

It was the same broken facial expression I'd seen in the mirror last year.

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