Chapter 32 {Last chapter}

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"I love you, you know."

I progressed what she just said, blushing. She then took a deep breath before looking up at me, continuing. "I like them forest green eyes..." She then took yet another deep breath before opening her mouth."AND THAT THICK AS-" I sighed, of course she wasn't serious. She might be drunk but she's still broken from Craig breaking up with her so of course she'd say that she loved me again.

"No you do not."

"Yeh I d-do."

"No, you don't."

"Yeah I do."

"No you don't love me (Y/n)."

"YES I DO, I'VE JUST NOT BEEN ALLOWED TO TELL YOU AND EVERYTIME I TRIED YOU-" I raised one of my eyebrows. She then put her hand on her forehead, cursing. "F*ck it hurts." She then looked up at me, smiling. "Why haven't you been able to-" I was cut of by a girl voice I really didn't want to hear right now. "Kyle~" I turned around, meeting Bebe's eyes. "(Y/n)? What are y-"

"AHHH! DON'T HURT ME!" (Y/n) screamed before covering her head with her hands. Her screaming voice caused the whole house to turn silent as everyone's attention turned to her. "What are you talking about?" Bebe said as she started to walk towards (Y/n). "NOO! YOU'LL BEAT ME UP AGAIN! DOOON'T" (Y/n) then hurried towards me, grabbing my shirt and pressing her face against my chest. "P-Please. D-Don't let her hurt me Kyle. D-Don't leave me." I looked down at her in confusion before looking over at Bebe. "What is she talking about?" Bebe then shook her head, rolling her eyes.

"She's obviously hallucinating or something. I haven't done anything." A few students then started to whisper, but most of them stayed silent, staring at Bebe. "Hey! You all saw what she did to me yesterday. I'm not the bad person, she is. I really haven't done anything." I swallowed as I looked at Bebe, then at (Y/n). She was looking at everyone as they were whispering.

"Bebe's right."

"Bebe wouldn't hurt a soul."

"(Y/n)'s probably making that up to make Bebe look bad."

"I don't like Bebe though, she's a h*e."

"She's obviously drunk so she's not thinking straight"

"Just look at how she's clinging onto Kyle, that sl*t."

She then looked up at me. "D-Do you believe me Kyle?" I swallowed at her words. "Hey Kyle, come here. She's only trying to tear us apart~" Bebe then grabbed my arm, squeezing it. "And besides, I'm telling the truth. She's lying."

"N-No she's not."

Everyone went quiet again, looking at the source of the voice. It was Nichole. "(Y/n) is telling the truth. You went all psycho once you found out that (Y/n) was hanging out with Kyle so you began terrorizing her and beating her up..." "Wha-?" Bebe let go of my arm, starting to slowly make her way towards Nichole.

Once she was only a few inches away from her she fell to her knees, starting to cry. "N-Nichole... H-How could you lie like this. How c-could you betray me like this?" She wiped a few tears of her cheek. Normally I'd probably believe her, but the way Bebe's acting isn't holding up, it's way too much. And besides... I looked down at (Y/n), she was shaking and it didn't look like she was lying. I looked up at Bebe again, but could Bebe really do such a think? She opened her mouth to talk again but someone cut her of.

"She, lying? You're the b*tch who's lying here."

I swallowed as Craig walked up to Nichole, standing next to her. What is all of this? "You beat (Y/n) up a couple of times. She's got a huge scar on her leg from you cutting it with a scalpel you psychotic wh*re." I raised my eyebrows before looking at her leg. I didn't see anything. "What do you mean, there isn't anything the-" Craig then walked up to (Y/n), quickly saying "I'm sorry" before lifting her skirt up, only enough to reveal a scar on her thigh. A couple of gasps was then heard in the room, followed by whispering and murmurs. I swallowed before looking at Bebe.

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