Chapter 13

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"But you better listen to me, 'cus you do not want to mess with me."

She then walked out, leaving me standing there. "T-They're a couple?" I looked towards the door for a moment, replaying what'd just happened in mind. "Of course." I let out a chuckle, laughing at my own stupidity. "That's what Nichole meant..." I inhaled sharply, making a small hiccup sound as tears started to roll down my cheeks. "She said that so that I wouldn't get hurt." I fell down to my knees, crying while laughing at how pathetic I probably looked. "We're a couple" The words kept on replaying in my mind. I don't know why but those words hurt, they hurt really bad. It felt as if my heart was being stabbed while someone stepped on my trust in Kyle. I wiped away the tears, calming myself down as I saw the clock. I didn't want to be late, that would only make the situation worse. I stood up, taking a few deep breaths before making my way towards the class.

Once I'd reached the changing rooms I quickly changed into my sport clothes before hurrying into the sport hall. I stopped just in the doorway, looking into the hall. People was standing in groups, talking while they were waiting for the teacher. I swallowed when I saw Bebe, she was talking with Kyle. So they're a couple... I took a deep breath as I walked over to the corner of the room, not feeling like being with either Kyle nor Bebe.

"Hey." I looked up, meeting a pair of icy blue eyes. "Oh, hey Craig." I looked down as he just stood there. "Why're you alone?" I looked up at him, struggling to say something. "W-Well, it's- You know." I sighed before looking at the floor again. "Nothing, I just don't feel like being with anyone." He stood there, once again not saying anything. I looked up at him as he opened his mouth to speak. "Well I'm not going anywhere." He then put his back against the wall next to me, leaning on it. "Hey, (Y/n)." I looked at him, seeing his blue eyes scan my face. "Have you been crying?" My eyes widen as I panicked. "Wh- No, don't be stupid." I laughed awkwardly, trying to lie. "You suck at lying, but I won't ask you anymore." I smiled, looking up. "Let me just..." My eyes widen as Craig dragged his fingers under my eyes. "There. Your mascara had been smeared." I nodded, thanking him. "No pr-"

"QUIET! Let's get this lesson over with, shall we?" I jumped when the P.E. Teacher appeared, yelling. "We'll be running, running and even more running today!" I sighed, this'll be exhausting. "So, start with two laps." I sighed again before starting. I was already exhausted after the first lap. When I was about to start the second I felt the throbbing pain once again. I decided to ignore it and just continue. I was about to finish the second lap when the pain came back, hurting even more, causing me to loose balance. I closed my eyes, waiting to fall to the ground when someone caught me.

"Hey, you alright?" I looked up to see a pair of green eyes. "Yeah." I tried to push Kyle away but he held onto me. "Let go, I can stand myself." He chuckled. "You clearly couldn't." He then looked down at my ankle. "You've sprained it. I'll take you to the nurses office." I nodded slightly as he put my arm around his shoulder, making me put my weight on him and not my foot. "Teacher, I'll just follow (Y/n) to the nurses office. She's got a sprained ankle." The teacher looked at us before nodding. I couldn't help but to feel uneasy about Kyle helping me. I looked back, meeting a pair of blue furious eyes, belonging to a certain blonde girl. I swallowed, not even wanting to think about what was going to happen as we made our way to the nurse.

*knock* *knock* *knock* We waited but nobody opened. "Hello?" Kyle opened the door, peeking into the room. "No one's here." He opened the door so that we could go inside. "Here, sit down. I'll fix it." I nodded as I sat down in a chair while Kyle looked for stuff in the drawers and cabinets. I couldn't help but to think about Bebe and what she said. Should I ask him? "Hey Kyle..." He let out a small "hum" and before I knew it I began to ask him. "Are you-" I stopped myself from asking, I shouldn't care about his relationship, it's not like we're that close. We've only been living together for about four days. "Am I?" He turned around, waiting for me to continue. "A-Are you done yet?" I smiled, causing him to sigh and let out a chuckle. "Yes I'm almost done, I'll just get some Ice. Wait here." He left, leaving me alone.

"Hey, (Y/n)." I looked up, expecting to see Kyle but it wasn't. It was Bebe. "Didn't I tell your fat a*s to stay away from Kyle?" She walked over to the chair, her eyes pierced through me. "Y-Yes, I j-just sprai-" "sprained my a*s, you only faked it to be close to Kyle. I bet it doesn't even hurt." She grabbed my foot, twisting it. I inhaled sharply while letting out a small yelp. "Woah, so it actually hurts?" She smiled eerie at me before grabbing my foot again.

"You should've listened"

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