Chapter 11

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(Y/n) POV

I took a deep breath as I put the last plate in the dishwasher.  Kyle and I had just finished the 'Shitty chicken'. I let out a small chuckle as I thought about the Chinese man. "Yes?" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Kyle on the phone in the living room. "No, I won't come." I looked down, closing the dishwasher before pressing start. I'm sure he's talking to Bebe. "As I said last time, I'm not free... Yes the whole weekend." I made my way to the doorway, seeing Kyle in the living room, his back facing me. He wasn't wearing his hat so his hair was all over the place, but it looked very good, he looked very- I looked away, burying my face in my hands. "Oh, (Y/n). Are you done?" My eyes widen as I panicked slightly. I let out a small 'hum' as I nodded, still covering my face with my hands. "W-What's wrong? Are you upset?" I then looked up, revealing my pink face, about to say something. But I soon turned bright red when I saw his hair covering his face slightly, and his eyes...  I fidgeted with the end of my shirt. I glanced up at him, meeting his green eyes. "Y-Your-" "Ah look." Kyle turned away, towards the window. I took a deep breath before looking out the window, smiling when I saw snow falling down from the sky. "It's so beautiful." I walked closer to the window, still smiling.

"-'re beautiful." I looked back, tilting my head slightly. "What?" His eyes then widen before he quickly turned away. "...I-I said that the s-snow was beautiful, I-I love the winter." He smiled as he turned back to me, making his way towards the window. "Oh... Y-Yeah me to." We both stood there, watching the snow slowly cover the grass, leafs, rocks, everything. It was like a blanket, trying to keep everything warm until spring. I tilted my head, leaning on Kyle's shoulder while I sighed slightly. The warmth coming from his body was comforting, like a hug. " (Y-(Y/n)..." I jumped slightly, realizing what I was doing. "S-Sorry I-I-" He then let out a chuckle, making his way into the living room. "Let's watch a movie." I then nodded, following him as he turned a movie on. The movie was another horror movie about a virus who infected the humans. It wasn't really scary.

After about half an hour I began to shiver, it was really cold. "What's wrong?" I looked over at Kyle who was sitting on the other side of the couch. "It's really cold." He then nodded. "Yeah... Let me get two blankets." He quickly made his way upstairs, leaving me with the movie. A doll then popped up out of nowhere, making me jump and let out a small scream. "F*ck I hate jump scares... And dolls." I sighed before hearing laughing from the stairs. "I didn't think you could get that scared." I looked at Kyle before blushing slightly. "But these freaking dolls keep popping up out of nowhere." He made his way towards the couch. "I only found one blanket, so we'll have to share." I nodded, moving closer to Kyle. I continued to watch the movie, but nothing happened. My mind started to wander off as my eyelids became heavier. I was soon consumed by the darkness and dreams.

Kyle's POV

I glanced over at (Y/n) as her eyelids began to close. She looked so cute, like one of those kids trying to stay awake while eating. I felt my cheeks heat up when she leaned on me. I sat there, trying not to move so that I wouldn't wake her up while the movie continued. After an hour or so the movie'd finally finished. I moved a bit, stretching, causing (Y/n) to mumble slightly. "Sh*t" I looked at her sleeping face, taking in her features. Her long eyelashes, her cute nose, her beautiful (Dark/fair) skin, her (H/C) hair covering her face. She was- I turned away, scratching the back of my neck. "F*ck" I blushed as I leaned on the couch, closing my eyes.

What are you doing to me (Y/n)?

Bebe's POV

"THAT B*TCH!" I screamed as I threw a bottle of perfume across the room. "B-Bebe, take it easy I'm sure It wasn't like tha-" I took another bottle, throwing it towards Nichole, barely missing her. "SHUT UP! I TOLD YOU TO TELL HER ABOUT KYLE AND ME, DIDN'T I?" She nodded, looking away. "Well, what the f*ck was she doing with him? HOLDING HANDS?" She shrugged, still not looking at me. She didn't show any respect, not ANY. "LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" I grabbed something from my shelf, throwing it towards her again. "YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY THAT I FORGAVE YOU, YOU HEAR ME?" She nodded, slowly turning towards me again. "It could still have been like that you know. You could've been lonely, no friends, a nobody." She nodded again, looking at the floor. "Good." I took a deep breath, calming down. "We'll warn her on Monday, and if she doesn't listen we'll act." Nichole looked up at me with wide eyes. "What? You should know about that." "Y-Yeah but I think K-Kyle like-" "SHUT UP!" I walked towards her, grabbing her shirt. "No he doesn't, he likes ME. We're in LOVE" I let go, walking over to the door. "So, go now. and tell the people the party's over." She nodded before hurrying out, leaving me alone.

"(Y/n), I have a feeling we'll have to go through the same thing Nichole and I did..."

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