Chapter 31

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"I'll go to the party and I'll make the pain in my chest go away."

I opened my wardrobe, searching for something to wear. I then picked a black skirt, a bit shorter than to my knees, a grey long sleeved crop top and a pair of black boots. After changing into my outfit I brushed my hair. I'd kept it in a bun all night so it was a little bit curly. I then put on a bit of mascara and a winged eyeliner before sighing.

"Done." I swallowed as I looked in the mirror. "I'm not quite sure if I should do this..." I clenched the end of the skirt, breathing heavily. "I'm not invited, nor liked by anyone so they'll all stare and whisper and-" I then shook my head.

"I'll go to the party. I'll find Kyle and Bebe. I'll wish them good luck and all the happiness in the world and that's it." I smiled at my brilliant plan. "That way Bebe won't see me as a threat anymore, and me and Kyle can go back to being friends."

-at's not... what-... wa..nt

"And then I won't be alone anymore!" I stood up from the chair I was sitting in, making it fall it in the progress. "Bebe can't threaten you anymore, the people on the party will see that I'm actually not a b*tch and after that I can get friends again." I looked in the mirror, smiling even wider. "That's perfect"

I swallowed before walking out of the room, down the stairs and out of the house. I then walked towards Bebe's address, which I'd gotten from the conversation between Kyle and her. Let me just say that she was being very clingy, and he was behaving very monotonous.

I swallowed again when I saw Bebe's house. "This is it." I stopped for a brief moment, looking down at my feet while taking a deep breath.

Yo... -on't.. -ant- this. Re...gret.

I shook my head, ignoring the voice since it was unclear what it was trying to say. I looked up at the house again, grabbing my shirt just by my heart. "If you do this the pain'll go away" I closed my eyes, whispering while taking deep breaths. "The only way is to gain friends again, Kyle won't listen so you have to do this..." I opened my eyes again, making my way into Bebe's house.

There was a lot of people, I'd say about everyone from school. There was loud music playing and the air reeked of cigarette smoke. "Well, isn't this party just lovely..." I began pushing through the mob of students, feeling at least 10 different hands on my butt as I did. I sighed in relief as I reached the kitchen, which was quite empty to my surprise. I sighed in relief as I noticed an open window by the sink, so I made my way towards it, breathing the somewhat fresh air.

"(Y/n)?" I turned around, only to be met by two familiar faces. "C-Cartman... Kenny, Hi..." I swallowed as they walked towards me, smiling. Didn't they ignore me yesterday? "What're you up to?" I looked at Kenny before answering. "Nothing. Just standing here. You know, trying to keep away from all of the groping perverts out there." I nodded my head towards the mob of people, gaining chuckles from the both of them. "Hey, who wouldn't want to touch someone with a body like that?" Kenny said before looking me up and down, causing me to blush and my eyes to widen slightly. I've never thought about it, but he must really be a player and a pervert.

"Hey Kenny, let's get some more lemonade." Cartman said, elbowing Kenny lightly in the side. "Yeah sure, would you like some as well?" Kenny said, smirking at me. "Sure. My throat feels kind of dry actually." My answer caused both Kenny and Cartman to smirk at each other before grabbing my arms, pulling me with them into the living room.

"Here." Cartman said, giving me one of the plastic cups filled with lemonade. "Thanks." I said, giving him a closed eyed smile before drinking. My eyes widen as I drank. It was delicious! I drank all of the lemonade, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand before scratching the back of my head. "Err. Cartman..." He looked up at me, taking the mug away from his face as I continued.

"Where's the lemonade?" He flashed Kenny a quick smile before pointing towards a table, filled with drinks and stuff. "The big bowl is lemonade, but don't drink to-" "Thanks!" I then hurried towards the table, feeling both of their gazes on me. But I didn't care, my throat was dry again and the lemonade was f*cking delicious!

One cup turned into two, the two turned into five, then te- Hey, why's everyone so freaking tiny???

Kyle's POV

I nodded, fake smiling at Bebe's statement. "Yeah. You're right. I don't know why he does that." She smiled as well before hugging my arm, pressing her chest against it. "You know, my room's empty right now. We could go upstairs if you'd li-" I pulled my arm away, sighing. "I... I'll just go and get some more beer." I then walked towards the table filled with alcohol.

"Well the punch almost empty, and that stuff was strong." I said as I looked at the almost empty bowl. I then grabbed another beer, sighing as I opened it. After doing so I turned around to look out at the crowd of people, seeing a mob of them around a table with a dancing girl. I was about to leave when a certain line caught my attention.

"Hey, (Y/n). Get down here. You'll- NO DON'T JUMP! DO NOT JUMP!" I began walking towards the table, seeing that (Y/n) was the girl dancing on the it while Cartman and Kenny was trying their hardest to get her down from there. I then walked over to them. "What's happening?" Cartman turned his face towards me, sighing before explaining. "Kenny tricked (Y/n) into thinking the punch was lemonade so she basically drank it all..." I sighed, swallowing slightly before looking up at the dancing girl. Her (h/c) hair was swinging everywhere as she moved her body to the music. She looked so happy right now, but I guess it's thanks to all of the alcohol. "(Y/n) Just get down here, it's not funny anymore." Cartman said, causing (Y/n) to throw an empty cup at him.

"Oh shut the f*ck up you-you- Hey!" She hiccuped slightly before waving when our eyes met. "K-Kyle! I've missed you. Where have you been?" She walked towards me, completely forgetting that she was on a table so she fell. But I was quick so I caught her.

"M-My herooo~" she clapped her hands before turning towards Cartman who was staring at her. "He...Hey you!" She said, causing Cartman's eyebrows to raise as he pointed at himself. She then got out of my grip, hiccuping before continuing. "Y-Yeah you. Don't look at m-me you c-creep." She then flipped him off, causing both Kenny and me to chuckle. Cartman just stood there, sighing. "Hey Kyle." She then began, making me turn my attention towards her again.

"I love you, you know."

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