Chapter 15

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"Yeah, you're right. Bebe isn't a bad person, I don't know what I was thinking."

I began to walk upstairs, ignoring Kyle as he yelled my name. I made my way into Ike's room, sighing before laying down on the bed. I took a deep breath before feeling tears stream down my cheeks. I inhaled sharply, trying to stop but it only got worse. I sat up, smiling as the tears kept on falling. "What was I thinking? They're a couple, he wouldn't believe me if Bebe told him that." I replayed the scene when Bebe and Kyle was talking at P.E. inside my mind. They were smiling and laughing... I shook my head, letting out a chuckle. "I'm not in the position to get upset about Kyle being with another girl... and besides..."I looked up at the clock, sighing before laying down again. "It's to late to think about that." I closed my eyes, drifting of to sleep.

Time skip

I slowly gained consciousness, opening my eyes while sitting up. I yawned, scratching the back of my neck before looking at the phone. "7:03..." I turned the alarm off and put some clothes on, not really thinking much about it. After changing I brushed my hair before going downstairs, eating a sandwich. When I was finished I put my shoes on, hesitating slightly before walking to school alone.

I sighed, putting a pair of headphones on before turning some music on, making the trip to school feel a lot quicker. I looked down at the ground as I clicked my tongue to the beat of the music. "HEY!" I jumped, feeling my heart race as I stared at the source of the scream, only to see Kenny, Cratman and Stan. "O-Oh, hi." I looked down again, trying to walk away from them as they followed me. "Could you not?" I looked back at them, earning surprised looks from the three of them. "Why?" I sighed at Cartman's question. "B-Because..." I looked down, struggling to come up with an answer before looking up at them. "Because we aren't friends, you're just friends with Kyle and I'm not friends with him either." "...But-" I then turned away, sighing before walking away, leaving the three of them behind.

Once I'd arrived at school I went to my locker, getting some stuff to study since my first lesson was in about an hour. I walked to the library, trying to get what happened this morning out of my mind. I couldn't help but to feel uneasy about that. I let out a sigh before opening my book, about to study when I got a text. I grabbed my phone and felt my heart sink when I saw who it was.

Kyle<33- Hey, where R U?

I read the text a few times before typing my answer.

Me- At school

Kyle<33- Why didn't U wait?

Me- I have to study.

I turned the phone off and decided to try to study, only to be cut off by the thought of this morning. "Was I to cold?" I sighed, reading through the first page. "Hey." I looked up, only to be met by a pair of blue eyes. "Oh, hi Craig." I gave him a closed eyed smile as I greeted him. He then shrugged before taking a seat in front of me. "What are you doing?" I looked at my books, then at him. "Oh, I'm studying..." I then looked down at the books again, feeling Craig's gaze on me. "Err, when do your lesson start?" He shrugged, leaning back slightly. "In about an hour or so." I nodded, about to look down when I remembered something. I looked at Craig, tilting my head slightly. Just because he treated you specially, he doesn't mean any of it. I rested my chin on my hand, thinking about it. "What does he m-" Craig looked back at me, raising one of his eyebrows. "What?" I flinched, scratching the back of my head as I felt my cheeks heat up. "Ah, nothing." I looked away, letting out a small sigh to try to calm myself. "Hey" I looked back at Craig, letting out a small "Hum". "Are you free today after school?" My eyes widen slightly before answering "Yeah, why?" He shrugged, looking away. "Want to do something?" I looked down, smiling slightly. "Sure."

Kyle's POV

I looked down at my phone, waiting for an answer as I walked down the street. I quickly looked down at the phone when I got a message.

(Y/n)- At school

I sighed when I saw her message, I knew that she was in school but why didn't she wait?

Me- Why didn't U wait?

(Y/n)- I have to study.

I stopped slightly, looking down at the phone as I read the message over and over again. "Why is she being so cold?" I sighed, thinking back at what happened yesterday.

I walked towards the nurses office, holding a bag of ice."Hey, (Y/n). I've got the i-" I stopped when I saw Bebe crying on the floor. her clothes were ripped and her hair was messy. "Bebe, what happened?" I kneeled down next to her. She then looked at me, her eyes was red and she had a bruise on her cheek. "C-Craig... And (Y/n)..." She looked down again, crying. "Yeah, what about them? And where is (Y/n)?" I stood up, scanning the room. "I-I was talking to (Y/n)... And then Craig came and  he began hitting me..." She looked up at me, grabbing my leg. "He must be angry about last year, I-I didn't mean to you know..." She then looked down, crying even harder. "Why would he care about you breaking up with him? And why would he care now?" I crossed my arms, not believing her. She looked up at me again, freezing for a moment. "H-He... He and (Y/n) left together... I think they like each other s-so I think he doesn't want her to k-know about us from me since he doesn't trust me anymore..." My eyes then widen at her words. "Think about it, he must've been affraid that I would tell her that we-" "Of course." I looked down at her before grabbing her arm, helping her to a chair. "I have to go, stay here and wait for the nurse."

I shook my head, getting the flashback out of my mind. I then looked up, seeing the school. I looked down at the phone before walking into the school.

"Do they like each other?"

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