Chapter 20

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"Yes she has changed, but not for the better. She's even worse than before."

I snapped out of my thoughts when Bebe stepped closer to (Y/n). I quickly stepped out from the corner before saying something.

"Hey Bebe... And (Y/n)" Bebe flinched as she heard me, looking back. She was probably worried that I saw."O-Oh, hi Stan." She flashed me a quick smile. I couldn't help but to look at (Y/n), was this the first time? "What's going on?" I looked at Bebe, then at (Y/n). I wanted to see if (Y/n)'d take the chance and tell me, but she only looked away. "Oh, This? Well (Y/n) had a bit of a problem. It's that time of the month you know." I nodded, sighing slightly. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..." I looked up at Bebe, getting quite annoyed by her. Her fake laugh hurt my ears.

 "You can go." Bebe's eyes widen as she looked at me. "But (Y/n)-" "-I can take her to the nurse." I flashed her a smile as she nodded in defeat. She then stood up, walking away before I quickly made my way towards (Y/n). "Let's go" I smiled at her as she stuttered, probably embarrassed about this morning. "Why are you doing thi-" I put her arm around my neck while sighing. "I saw you know." She then spaced out, probably not hearing what I just said as we began to walk towards the nurse.

"I... I don't have to go to the nurse. B-But thank you." She then quickly pulled her arm away before hurrying away from me, leaving me there. I sighed before leaning my back against the wall, thinking about the situation. Why didn't she just tell me what Bebe did? I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose as I sighed again. I then looked up, widening my eyes when I saw Kyle walking towards me. "Hey Kyl-" My eyes widen even more as he looked up at me with teary eyes. "W-What's wrong?" He shook his head, scratching the back of his head.

"No it's just that... (Y/n) spent lunch with Craig instead of helping me and I thought..." He looked up at me, smiling. "I thought that maybe she'd like m-" I sighed, shaking my head. "I can tell you for a fact that she did not spend lunch with Craig." He looked up at me with wide eyes. "Wha- How do you know?" I shrugged. "She wasn't feeling well so I took her to the nurse." He then looked down, covering his face with his hands. "F*ck." I let out a chuckle, leaning towards the wall again. "You should just go for it, what can go wrong?" Kyle looked up at me, revealing his faint blushed face, causing me to shake my head. "Just go for it."

Your POV

I sat up, yawning as I stretched my arms before standing up. I went over to my closet, changing into a black tight long sleeved shirt and a pair of blue jeans. I then hurried down before putting on my jacket and shoes. I was about to leave but I stopped, looking back into the house. "Will he get upset?" I looked down, sighing before walking into the kitchen, grabbing a bit of paper and a pen, writing a note for Kyle.

Craig said he'd pick me up-

I looked at the text, shaking my head as I read it before erasing the text, starting over.

I went to school earlier to study. C u in class :P

I nodded before looking up at the clock, cursing. "Cheese sticks." I hurried out of the house and over the road towards my house. I took a deep breath before turning around, hearing a car approach. I looked up, waving slightly when I saw Craig. He then stopped. I then jumped into the car, taking a seat. "Hi." He smiled as I greeted before leaning closer, kissing me on my cheek. My eyes widen as I looked at him in confusion.

"W-What was that for?" He then shrugged before looking at the road driving to school. I looked at the road as well as I smiled slightly. I then flinched when my phone buzzed, but I decided to ignore it. It buzzed again, gaining Craig's attention. "What was that?" I looked up at him, smiling. "My phone." I opened it, seeing that I'd gotten two new messages.

Kyle<33- C u in class ;)

I smiled as I saw the message. I then looked up at Craig before opening the other message from Bebe.

Bebe- You better not be ignoring me bitch.

I sighed, changing her name before getting another message.

Zorra- I hope you know who you're dealing with.

I let out a small chuckle as I looked at her name. I then shook my head, changing the name back before turning the phone off. I then looked out of the window, seeing the school. Once Craig had parked we both got out of the car. Craig walked around the car, walking next to me as we entered the school. "I've got to go to the principal, but I'll see you at lunch." I nodded as Craig flashed me a small smile, small enough so that I was the only one who saw. Ithen made my way towards my locker, grabbing some stuff for the group project before making my way towards class. 

I slowly walked into the classroom of our lesson, sitting down at my desk. I opened my book, writing some stuff down before closing it again, looking at the empty seats all around me. I then looked down at my desk, flinching as I saw some written words.

'(Y/n) you sl*t'

'F*cking b*tch'

'(Y/n)'s a cheap wh*re'

I swallowed before glancing around the classroom again. I could feel my heart racing as my mind fwent blank. "W-Who did this?" I then looked down at the bench, seeing another sentance.

'Stop trying to f*ck him'

I then sighed, shaking my head before erasing the words.

"F-F*cking Bebe."

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