Chapter 24

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I could've prevented Kyle's feelings from being hurt

I shook my head slightly, making sure to not gain Craig's attention. I really shouldn't be thinking about Kyle's feelings, not after what he did. I looked up at the tv, seeing how broken the girl became by the sight. She then ran away, causing the scene to shift from her to the kissing guy and girl. He was looking at the girl who'd just ran away, not even budging. Not even flinching a single bit. I looked down, taking a deep breath. The lump in my throat appeared again.

A new voice then appeared, telling me to stop thinking about him. It's all over. I hurt him and he hurt me. Besides, I wouldn't want to hurt Craig, would I? I looked up at him again. I don't want to hurt him of course.

I then took a deep breath before slowly resting my head on Craig's shoulder, causing him to flinch and tense up at first before quickly relaxing. I tried to watch the movie, but as hard as I tried I just couldn't get Kyle out of my mind. My eyes widen as a new scene appeared. The girl from before, the girl who'd seen her crush kiss another girl were now sitting on the ground, crying. Another boy then came, trying to cheer her up but she only yelled at him. Telling him to go away, that he wasn't her crush and he did as he was told. She then began talking to herself about how she couldn't stop thinking about her crush, about how she thought that he liked her, about how she couldn't take it, about how pathetic she was for yelling at the boy who'd just tried to help her. I closed my eyes quickly when I felt tears form in my eyes. I took a deep breath while thinking. Just closing my eyes and ignoring the thoughts felt so comforting, so relaxing. I then yawned before one last thought entered my mind.

Weren't this supposed to be an action movie?

Time skip

I slowly opened my eyes, stretching as I did. I glanced through the room, seeing familiar brown walls. I furrowed my eyebrows as I scratched the back of my neck. Where am- "You awake?" I flinched, snapping my head towards the monotone voice. "Craig? Why-" I then widen my eyes, remembering yesterday. "I didn't fall asleep, did I?" He nodded, causing me to groan slightly while hiding my face behind my hands. "I'm sorry-" "-Don't say that." I took my hands away from my face, looking at Craig as he sat down next to me in the couch. "Don't apologize." I looked down at hy hands, smiling slightly.

My eyes then widen. "S-School" I stood up, looking back at Craig as he scratched the back of his neck. "Oh- that. I forgot about it." He then stood up, walking towards me before hugging me. My eyes widen at his actions, was this really the Craig I'd met last week? "It's early afternoon now, so most of the day has already passed. Let's just skip it." I quickly pushed Craig away, taking a deep breath. I felt his confused gaze on me.

What's wrong with you? Are you trying to hurt him? Do you enjoy being alone or something? What was that? Do you still think about that guy? 

Are you stupid?

I took another deep breath, focusing on making the voices stop before looking up at him with a faint blush spread across my face. "Y-You can't just hug me out of no where." His confused gaze faded into a small smirk. "Why not? Does it make you embarrassed?" I looked away, closing my eyes for a slight moment before looking back at him again. "Just f*ck off." I smirked at him, causing him to smile back. 

"Let's not watch a movie for once. Let's do something." I nodded, agreeing with Craig. "What do you want to-" Craig was cut of by my stomach growling. I widened my eyes, hugging my stomach. "I guess that answers what I was about to a-" I hugged my stomach even harder as it growled again. This god damn stomach have to learn when it's a good timing to growl, and when to not. I glanced up at Craig, seeing a fairly big smile spread across his face. "Wait here, it'll take about 30 minutes." I scratched the back of my neck before speaking. "Let me help you at least-" "-I'd rather not have you helping me, not after hearing how good your luck has been the last week." He let out a small chuckle, causing me to smile as well. "Okay then." He then disappeared into his kitchen, leaving me on the couch all by myself. 

I flinched as my phone started ringing. I grabbed it and tiled my head at the name on the screen before answering.

"Hi sweetie. I'm sorry that we haven't called but I just couldn't get any signal." I smiled at the voice from my mom. This was exactly what I needed right now. 

"How's everything? Do you like it in South park?" I let out a small hum as an answer before speaking.

"Yeah, it's great." I cleared my throat, trying to not make the lie to obvious. "How about you and dad?" She began talking to someone on the other side before answering.

"It's good, it's really beautiful over here. Ike's got a cold though, poor thing." My eyes widen as I tried to come up with something to change the subject. I knew where this were going.

"S-So-" "How's it going with Kyle, are you getting along?" I cursed quietly before clearing my throat again.

"I... I'd like to talk a bit more but I have to go." I face palmed as my voice cracked.

"Wha- (Y/n), are you sure that you're okay?" I took a deep breath before answering.

"Yeah. Goodbye." I heard my mom sigh on the other end, probably thinking whether she should ask anything else or let it go.

"Take care. I love you." I sighed in relief at her decision.

"I love you too." I then ended the call, swallowing while trying not to tear up.

"Was that your mom?" I snapped my head back towards Craig. "You scared me." I stood up, walking towards him. "Yeah it was." He nodded before walking into the kitchen. "I'm done so let's eat." I nodded while following him. "It's nothing fancy but it's about the only thing I can make." Craig scratched the back of his neck before sitting down by the table. I sat down as well, looking down at the food he'd made. "D-Don't make any excuses, you didn't have to make anything at all." I smiled at him, causing him to nod. We both then began eating, talking slightly while doing so.

Small time skip

I looked at Craig with wide eyes before bursting out laughing. "You can't just say something like that with a straight face." He then shrugged, smiling slightly as well. "I just have to get some water from the kitchen." He nodded as I stood up, making my way into the kitchen. I took a glass, filling it with water before taking a sip. "Hey, (Y/n)!" I swallowed before letting out a hum. "Can you come here?" I put the glass down before walking into the living room, seeing Craig hold my phone.

"Why is Kyle called 'Kyle<33'?" 

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