chapter 16

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"Do they like each other?"

I stopped, laughing at the sudden thought, of course they don't. The only girl Craig has liked is Bebe, and (Y/n) is-. I stopped, widening my eyes when I thought about it. Why wouldn't he like her? She's perfect... I scratched the back of my neck, blushing as I thought about her face, her hair, her voice... her curves. I shook my head, blushing even more as I thought about the image. I then made my way towards my locker, grabbing some stuff to study. "She must be in the library." I began to make my way to the library, thinking about yesterday. Well, she did say that she didn't like me being with Bebe so maybe she- I shook my head again, walking through the library doors. I stopped when I saw (Y/n). I was about to wave to her when I saw Craig on the chair facing her. "Hey, are you free today after school?" I watched the scene, feeling my heart race. "Yeah, why?" "Want to do something?" I looked at her as she looked down, smiling. She looked happy about him asking her. "Sure."  I stood there, looking at them. "Wha-" I looked down, thinking about what Bebe said. "S-She's right." I looked at (Y/n), seeing her smile. "I doubted Bebe when (Y/n) said those things yesterday, but she is right." I turned around, walking out of the library.

"Bebe isn't a bad person, she told the truth."

Your POV

I sighed, leaning back at the chair while yawning. "How many minutes is left until the lesson starts?" He looked at me before checking the time on his phone. "Ten" I nodded, grabbing the books. "We have the same lesson, right?" He nodded. "Yeah, it's the group project. I'm with Tweek." I smiled at him as we made our way out of the library. "I'll see you there then." He nodded as we parted ways, I went to my locker. I grabbed my stuff before going to the lesson, remembering that I was with Kyle.

"Hey Kyle!" I looked up to see Bebe running towards Kyle with a huge smile. I then looked at Kyle, he gave her a closed eyed smile. I shook my head, getting the two of them out of my mind when I felt someone walking into me. "H-Hey w-watch where you-" "Oh sorry, I didn't see you there." My eyes widen as I looked at the girl with black hair. She had a cold yet sarcastic tone. "Oh I'm sorry Wendy." I laughed awkwardly as she remained cold. "Sure." She then turned around, leaving me there. I looked down, feeling my heart sink. Not only did Kyle not listen to me yesterday but Wendy suddenly changed attitude towards me. I looked up at them, seeing the three of them talk to each other while laughing.

"Hey, there you are." I looked up at Craig as I heard his emotionless voice. "Y-Yeah..." I looked at Kyle again as Stan, Kenny and Cartman approached them. "Let's go." Craig began to walk inside the classroom as I stood there, looking at them for a moment. "You coming?" I snapped out of my thoughts, looking at Craig. "Y-Yeah." I ran towards him, trying my best to smile only to earn a sigh from him. "I know you're fake smiling." I looked down, fidgeting with the end of my shirt. "Yeah, I'm sorry." He nodded before walking over to his seat, making me do the same. I sighed before picking my book up, waiting for Kyle. I don't know why but I got the feeling that someone was looking at me. I looked up at the classroom, not seeing anyone looking at me. I looked down again when I saw Kyle approaching. I looked up at him slightly as he sat down, he looked really tired. "Let's start, shall we?" I nodded, showing him my notes and Ideas.

??? POV

I thought about this morning, (Y/n) was behaving weirdly. I looked up at my two friends, seeing that they thought the same. "I wonder why." I nodded, looking down as I made my way to my locker. "I'll go get my things." They nodded, walking to their lockers as I did the same. I couldn't help but to think back at the scene this morning. "Because we aren't friends, you're just friends with Kyle and I'm not friends with him either." There was something off with her voice as she said that, and her eyes to. It looked like she didn't want to say that, as if she had to but didn't want to. Why?

I thought about it as I made my way towards our classroom. "Hi!" I smilled as I approached Kyle, Wendy and Bebe, taking my hand out of my pocket to wave. We began to talk as I spaced out again, trying to think of why she would say that. I then sighed, looking away for a moment, seeing (Y/n) looking at us. She didn't look at me, nor Wendy. She was looking at Bebe and Kyle... I noticed something as I looked over at Kyle, his eyes didn't show happiness even though he smiled. They looked kind of dead, or broken? I looked back at (Y/n), her eyes showed the same unhappiness. "You coming?" She flinched slightly at Craigs words, running into the classroom. "Let's go inside." I said, causing them to nod before we made our way into the classroom. I glanced over at (Y/n) slightly as she was doing something with her textbook. "I don't think you meant what you said this morning..." I sat down, facing Cartman as I thought about it again.

"I'm sure there's someone behind this... I'm sure."

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