Chapter 26

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"But the consequence by not telling the truth was exactly what I was afraid of."

Time skip

The weekend went by quickly. I spent the whole Saturday and Sunday, which is today, in Ike's room. I didn't talk to Kyle after the incident, it was just too awkward between us.

And I texted with Craig yesterday. He'd sent me a text, asking if everything was okay, which meant that he wouldn't ignore me for not responding to what he said about his feelings towards me. So that's good.

Back to the present

,I grabbed my phone when it lit up, sitting down on Ike's bed. I looked on the screen, sighing when I saw Bebe's name on it. "I bet it's something like 'Stay away from Kyle you b*tch' or 'I told you we were a couple you sl*t'." I opened the message, reading through it.

Bebe- I hope you choose to stay away from Kyle from now on since we're dating. You aren't that stupid, right?

I swallowed before taking a deep breath. "If I am..."

Me- Don't worry, he doesn't even see me that way.

Bebe- Finally you understand.

Bebe- Wow, you made it a lot easier than I thought. Now I won't have to use the pictures.

My eyes widen. What was she talking about?

Bebe- Oh, you're probably wondering what I'm talking about.

Bebe- Oh well, I should just show you to make sure you don't change your mind.

fShe then sent two pictures. It was from that night when I was hanging out with Kyle at Whistlin' Willy's. The pictures was of when I accidentally walked into Kyle, which look like a hug in the first picture and when Kyle leaned closer to pick the paper up, and that looked like he was leaning in for a kiss. I smiled, shaking my head.

Me- Those aren't even what they look like, I walked into Kyle because he stopped walking all of a sudden in the first picture. And the other one is him leaning closer to pick a paper up.

Me- And how are those meant to threaten me exactly?

I leaned my back against the wall, crossing my legs before getting a text.

Bebe- You seem to have gotten a lot closer to Craig lately... It's almost as if you're dating... I don't think he'd be so happy to see his girlfriend doing those things with another guy ;)

Bebe- And who'd believe you over me?

I swallowed when I read those texts. I then shook my head. Craig trusted me, he believed me... But what if he doesn-

I put the phone away, ignoring the buzzing sounds coming from it as I laid down, closing my eyes.

He might believe me, but I don't want to risk anything. It doesn't matter anyways, I'll stay away from Kyle. It's not like he wants to see me anyways.

Time skip

I opened my eyes to the sound of my alarm. I took a deep breath, turning it off before sitting up. I stretched my arms, yawning. I then flinched slightly as I heard the door close, causing me to swallow. I wonder if we'll ever go back to being friends.

I then shook my head, sighing before standing up. I changed into a pair of clean clothes before putting on a little bit of mascara and brushing my hair. I then exited the house, walking towards school.

I flinched slightly as I got a notification on my phone. I grabbed it and looked at it, sighing.

12 New messages.

They were all from Bebe, telling me that I wouldn't want to mess with her again, that I should watch out and so on. Well this day can't get any worse, can it?

Time skip

I walked down the hallway, ignoring the feeling of someone following and looking at me as I made my way towards the library. The day was over but I didn't feel like leaving yet. I sighed as I entered the quiet library. The sound of the clock ticking was the only sound heard in the room. I sat down, taking a deep breath before opening my books. I then began working on the presentation. Kyle and I were going to do our presentation on Wednesday. I took my phone up, searching for some things before putting it on the desk.

My eyes widen and I quickly looked up as the sound of someone chuckling was heard. I took a deep breath, telling myself that there was nothing to worry about and that it was all just in my head. It's nothing. The laughter was then heard again, a lot louder this time. I stood up, swallowing as I grabbed my books, starting to make my way towards the exit, only for the feeling of someone following me to grow stronger. I looked back, not seeing anyone. But I shouldn't have done that, I should've looked forward because I walked into someone I really didn't want to see right now.

Or rather, that person didn't want to see me.

I looked up at the person who were holding my arm, preventing me from falling. I swallowed as I was met by a pair of green eyes. They looked dull, broken. And that was my fault.

"(Y/n), It's been a while~" My eyes widen as I felt someone's arms sneaking around my waist, pulling me closer to that person. "Hey, Kenny. You can't just pull her closer to you the first thing you do. Don't think you can get away with everything just because you're poor." I looked at Cartman as he walked closer to Kenny and me. I then realized what was going on. I quickly pushed Kenny away, glancing up at Kyle slightly. He was looking away from us, sighing. I then looked away as well, taking a deep breath before speaking. "W-Well I should get going-" "-Are you going home?" I looked over at Cartman, nodding. "Well we're doing that as well so let's keep each other company." I felt Kenny's arm creep around my waist again. "I don't think that would be such a g-" "Let's go. I don't want to spend all f*cking night here." I shook my head as the two of them started to walk, causing Kenny to drag me with them. "I-I don't think I should..." I sighed as they ignored me.

"Hey, Kenny. Let (Y/n) go, can't you see that you're making Kyle jealous?" I furrowed my eyebrows at Cartman's words. "Don't be stupi-" "Oh right." My eyes widen as Kenny let go of me, pushing me towards Kyle.

If Bebe sees me now she won't hesitate. She'll show Craig the pictures.

My eyes widen as I looked to the left, meeting a certain blonde's eyes. Of course it was Bebe. It's just my f*cking luck. "Let's go guys." I looked away from her, swallowing as we made our way home.

"F*ck f*ck f*ck. This day just got a thousand times f*cking worse."

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