Chapter 27

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"F*ck f*ck f*ck. This day just got a thousand times f*cking worse."

I said as I closed the door to Ike's room. "She'll show Craig those pictures." I brought my hands up to my head, pulling my hair back as I thought about the situation. "She'll show them and he'll-" My eyes then widen. "H-He told me that he trusts me." I nodded, turning around while sticking my hands in my pockets. "If I just text him, telling him about the situation he'll..." I tilted my head, checking my back pocket as well before checking in my jacket. "Where's my phone...-"

"Sh*t." I facepalmed as I remembered. I forgot my phone in the library. I then walked over to the bed, sittning down. "I'll just tell him tomorrow before Bebe shows the pictures." I then laid down, closing my eyes before mumbling slightly. " Yeah, that's a good plan."

Time skip

My eyes shot open to the sound of birds singing. I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes before  glancing around the room. "Sh*t I'm tired." I then stood up, putting on a black long sleeved shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I then began walking downstairs, yawning as I did. "Kyle?" I rubbed my eye once again before walking into the kitchen to check the time. I then looked up at the clock. "Crap." I ran to the door, putting on my shoes before running to school.

Time skip

I took a few slow steps before looking up again, searching for the blue hat with the small yellow puffball on top.

Where is he?

I took a deep breath before looking down again. "It's good, right? If he isn't here then Bebe hasn't gotten the chance to show him the pictures." I smiled slightly before I began walking towards my locker, opening it before putting my books in it. "Hey (Y/n)!" I let out a small hum, not turning towards the voice. "Come here~" My eyes widen as someone grabbed my arm, beginning to drag me down the hallway. "Wha-" I looked around, noticing that there wasn't any students around anymore, which meant that the person probably was-

"You b*tch." I clenched my jaw as Bebe threw me against a wall. It didn't hurt as much as it has done before, I've gotten quite used to this. "What didn't you f*cking understand by don't touch him?" I swallowed before looking up, sighing. "It's not like I wanted to be with him, Kenny and Cartman kind of dragged me-" "Don't interrupt me!" She kicked the wall, just next to my head. "Do you see these pictures?" She then held her phone in front of my face, forcing me to look at the pictures she said she'd show Craig. "What about them?" I glanced up at her, I really shouldn't be talking to her like this. But I just can't take her god damn attitude anymore. "I won't hesitate. I have nothing to loose." I narrowed my eyes, glaring at her as she backed away, crossing her arms. "I'll show him, making him break up with you. And then you'll have no one. You'll be all alone."

All alone

I jolted up from my seat, tackling Bebe to the ground. I then grabbed each one of her arms, holding them above her head as she looked at me with wide, surprised eyes. "Wh-Wha-"

"Do it. Show him the pictures."

"(Y/n)?" I snapped my head towards the deep voice, seeing Craig with wide eyes. "What are you doing?" I glanced down at Bebe, she flashed me a quick smile before looking at Craig with teary eyes. "C-Craig-... S-She-"

"Shut up, I'm sure you brought this upon yourself." Bebe then cursed under her breath before I shook my head, getting off her. "Oh- I-I" I cleared my throat. Why was my throat so dry? 

"C-Craig. I know you won't believe me but (Y-(Y/n) c-cheated on you. I'm sorry but I've g-got evidence." Bebe stood next to Craig all of a sudden, showing him the pictures. My eyes were wide and my head turned blank. 

Come on (Y/n), just tell him what's really going on.

"S-She tackled me to the ground after I confro-" "Leave." Bebes eyes turned wide as she looked at Craig. She then nodded, quickly running away.

"Is those pictures real?" I opened and closed my mouth. 

Come on, they're not! Just tell him and you'll go back to being a couple!

He then sighed, leaning his back against the wall. "It actually makes sense." He crossed his arms, looking down at me as I tried to talk. But nothing was coming out of my mouth, and I couldn't move. The only thing that responded was my eyes, which began to tear up. 

"The fact that you ran away when I told you I loved you, and you were quite anxious when your mom told you he didn't respond on his phone." He walked over to me, kneeling down. "Those pictures were real, right?" 

My head then began responding so I started to shake it, looking down as the tears began to fall. He then sighed before talking. "I wish I could trust you, I really do. But everything I know makes me unable to." He then began walking away before stopping. I looked up at him as he shrugged. "You live together, you didn't hesitate to leave me when you didn't know if he were safe, you looked as if you were going to vomit when you saw him with Bebe." He looked back at me, his face wasn't showing any emotion. He was back to being the old, cold Craig. "You didn't even respond when I texted you yesterday, asking if we should break up." He then turned around, walking away as I sat there, shaking my head. 

"Do-" I moved my arm slightly, pushing myself towards the wall.

He left you.


He didn't believe you.


You f*cked up again.

"Don't leave-" 

Everyone is gone.

I burried my face in my knees, inhaling sharply as I opened my mouth again.

"Don't leave me all by myself!"

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