Chapter 2

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"Well that's just great, I thought he would at least introduce me."

I sighed, turning to face the door. I took a deep breath, trying to calm down before lightly knocking on the door. "It's open!" I opened the door, waving at the teacher as I stepped into the classroom. "Oh, you must be (Y/n), am I correct?" I let out a small hum in agreement as I closed the door, stepping further into the classroom. "Well..." The teacher looked at me, then at the class. "You can take a seat behind Nichole." I looked out at the class. A girl raised her hand, she had beautiful dark skin and even more beautiful black hair. I made my way towards the empty bench behind her, and as I did I felt all eyes on me again, as well as some whispering. I sat down, letting out a small sigh. I looked around, but none of the students was looking at me...

The class went by fast, the bell soon rang, signaling that it was time for lunch. I took my stuff before walking to my locker and putting all of my stuff in it. "Hey I'm Wendy." I jumped, looking at the suddenly appearing girl. "Oh, H-Hi, I'm (Y/n)." "I know, I was in the class just now." She gave me a closed eyed smile, revealing her all to perfect smile. "Well I was just wondering if you would like to eat lunch with us" My eyes widen when she asked me to eat lunch with them, I didn't really have any friends at my last school. "Err, s-sure, If it's okay-" "Don't be stupid, I asked you. But great, let's go." She grabbed my arm, pulling me with her towards the cafeteria.

"Well this is Bebe, Nichole, Annie and Lola." I waved at them before putting my brick with food down on the table. "H-Hi, I'm (Y/N)." I sat down, facing Bebe. They all started talking. I just sat there eating my food since I didn't eat any breakfast. "Omg, look at Clyde. He's soooo cool." I looked up at The girls before looking over at where they where looking. The boy called Clyde was a boy with brown hair and a red jacket, he looked like one of those players. I took the opportunity to look at who he was sitting with. There was a boy with a blue and yellow hat, sitting next to a twitching boy with blonde, quite long hair. In front of the twitching boy sat a boy with a bit shorter blonde hair. I tilted my head when I saw the boys from yesterday, the brown haired boy, the blonde, the black haired boy and the jewish red head.

"Hey, (Y/n) what're you looking at?" I quickly turned around, feeling my face heat up. "N-Nothing." I continued to eat my food as they continued to talk. "So, (Y/n). Have someone caught your attention?" I looked up while swallowing the food in my mouth. "Well, I don't know." Wendy shrugged before going back to talking.

The lunch went by fast, and I soon sat in the classroom, waiting for the lesson to start. "Hey, I never got the chance to say hello." I looked up, meeting a pair of brown eyes, belonging to the guy named Clyde. "Err, me?" He let out a small laugh before continuing. "Yes of course." He gave me a closed eyed smile, revealing snow white teeth. "I'm Clyde, Clyde Donovan" I nodded, letting out a small hum as an answer. "(Y/n) (L/n)." I looked back down as Clyde looked back, then at me again. "So, I was wondering if you'd like to do something this weekend." I looked up, widening my eyes again. "Wha-. I'm sorry, what?" I tilted my head, looking at him with confusion probably written all over my face. "Yeah, like a date. Or if you have a boyfriend we can go out as just friends." He smiled at me again, and there was something of with his smile. It seemed fake in some way. "No I don't have a boyfriend but I think I'm going out with my family or do some other stuff this weekend..." I lied, and he seemed to buy it. I didn't like to go out to be honest, but there was something off with this Clyde guy. "Oh, okay. Well here, take my number if you'd like to do something sometime." He handed me a paper with his number written on it. "Yeah, maybe." I looked back down at what I was doing as he just left, taking the awkwardness with him.

The teacher entered the room, making all of the students sit by their benches. "So class, we're doing a group project where you will be divided into pairs." The class started to talk, obviously pairing into groups already. "Quiet! I've already divided you." The class then let out a sigh. "So... Eric and Stan, Butters and Token, Nichole and Clyde, Wendy and Bebe, Annie and Lola, Craig and Tweek..." I didn't pay much attention to the other groups, until she said my name. "-le and (Y/n). And that was all of the groups." I looked around the classroom as people started to pair up, I missed who I was with.


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