Chapter 30

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I told you not to tell him.

I shook my head before walking up the stairs.

It didn't change a thing about how he felt about the situation

I took a deep breath before opening the bathroom door, closing and locking it after entering.

It might've even made things worse

I splashed some water in my face before looking into the mirror. My eyes. They were red and the skin under them was puffy and really dark. My whole face was very pale as well.

Just look at you. You moved here in hope of starting a new chapter in your life, only to fall back on square one.

I closed my eyes, whispering.

"Why now?"

You look like sh*t as well.

"I already feel like sh*t, why do you have to do this?"

No wonder they all left you.

"What are you even doing here?"

I know what'll make you happy.

"You told me-"

If you'd just listened to me you could've been happy right now.








I know what's best for yo-


I stood up, breathing heavily while tears streamed down my cheeks. Not that I was feeling anything though. I then sighed before walking out of the bathroom and into Ike's room. My lips twisted themselves into a fairly big smile as I laid down onto the bed, listening.

It was quiet. For now at least. But it was quiet.

Time skip

I opened my eyes, sitting up. Only for a sharp pain to strike my head. I took a deep breath before trying to stand up, but my legs gave up and I fell to the floor. "Well, I guess I can't go to school then." I chuckled slightly before sighing. "It's Friday anyways." I grabbed the bed, using it to help me get up from the floor. I then sat on the bed, letting my feet hang from the edge. "This is pathetic." I muttered under my breath before trying to stand up again, somewhat succeeding this time. I didn't fall, but I staggered a lot.

Once I was walking normally again I decided to fill my stomach with something, so I did. I went down into the kitchen and I drank a glass of milk. I didn't feel like eating anything. It just felt unnecessary. When I'd put the glass in the dishwasher I began to walk upstairs, but I was cut of by the sharp pain again. "Sh*t." I exhaled before walking the last steps up the stairs and into the bathroom. As I entered the bathroom I fell. The fall must've made me hit my arm or something because it hurt like hell. I let out a loud groan in pain before sitting up, looking at my arm. My eyes widen as I looked at it. I then looked at the floor, making my eyes widen even more.

I'd just fallen, and somehow cut my arm on a piece of fabric or something. It must've been fabric because all I could see on the floor was the carpet. I took a deep breath before standing up, grabbing som bandage and cotton pads from a shelf. I then put the cotton pads on the cut before tightly bandaging my arm. When the wound was secure I put the rest of the supplies on the shelf again, somehow pushing a small container of something off the shelf. I tilted my head slightly before kneeling down, grabbing the jar of pills.


I swallowed as I read the label. Before I was able to think my head started hurting like hell again.  "Gosh, I can't take it anymore." I then took a few pills, swallowing them before coughing slightly. I then looked at the jar again, scratching the back of my head before putting it back on the shelf. I then made my way into Ike's room, tripping on my foot. But I was lucky for the first time, I actually fell on the bed.

And then I fell asleep.

I opened my eyes, pushing myself of the sticky floor to be able to breathe. I took a deep breath as I sat up, looking around. I was sitting on a black floor, with black goo covering all of the floor. The sky was white and there wasn't any clouds to be seen. I then tried to stand up, only to find out that the black stuff was even more sticky than I'd thought. Every time I pushed myself off the floor it pulled me down again, just a tad bit more. When I was almost fully covered by the goo I heard laughter, followed by someone sing-talking.

"I told youuuu~"

The sky turned black and a giant version of Bebe emerged from the goo.

"Kyle is mine. He won't believe you. He won't come back to you. He won't love you."

I swallowed as the goo began to pull me even harder. It began tearing me apart, pulling my heart out of my chest.

"You won't need this anymore~"

I opened my mouth to speak, but the goo covered my mouth.

"Na-ah, no need for you to speak."

Tears started to stream down my face as the goo climbed up my cheeks.

"Cry all you want. It's just pathetic. It won't solve anything unless you do it in public~"

I shook my head, trying to get the goo that covered my mouth and nose off my face.

It hurts

It hurts

It hurts


I jolted up from the bed, breathing heavily. "W-Was all that just a dream?" I took a deep breath before swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. "Well, of course it was... But what was that?" I swallowed before standing up, looking out the window. "It's dark..." I sighed. "Where's Kyle..." My eyes then widen in realization. Bebe had a party today... I swallowed, fidgeting with the end of my shirt. "Maybe I should-" I then shook my head.

"What are you even thinking?"

Do it

I rolled my eyes, the voice was back once again.

Just listen to me this once. Do. it.

I swallowed, walking up to my closet.

The party can make your pain go away.

I clenched the fabric by my heart. Even thought that dream was just a dream it hurt. My heart hurt a lot.


"I can't go."

Just go.

"I'm not invited...-"

Go to the party and the pain'll go away.


"I'll go to the party and I'll make the pain in my chest go away."

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